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Phonetic spelling of Klepacz

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Meanings for Klepacz

A surname that is of Poland origin and means Stimulator.
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Examples of in a sentence

Ksenia "Boo-Boo" Klepacz
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Klepacz Fatally Punched, Kicked During Lincoln Park Robbery: Prosecutors
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Baranek: USBC Bowler of the Year award has Sharon Klepacz humble, hungry
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Jacob Klepacz
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Matthew Klepacz
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Trending news on Klepacz

Klepacz Fatally Punched, Kicked During Lincoln Park Robbery: Prosecutors
CRIMINAL COURTS BUILDING — Jacob Klepacz had been punched and kicked in a Lincoln Park robbery before he died, prosecutors said Saturday as the man charged with Klepacz's death was ordered h..View article
DNAinfo DNAinfo
Ksenia "Boo-Boo" Klepacz
REEDSBURG - Ksenia "Boo-Boo" Klepacz, 86, of Reedsburg, passed away peacefully Tuesday, April 12, 2011, at her home surrounded by her loving family. Ksenia was born in Ukraine on Nov. 22, 19..View article
wiscnews wiscnews
Jacob Klepacz
Man Charged In Lincoln Park Beating Death Held Without BondThe suspect in the murder of a 32-year-old Lincoln Park man who was beaten to death on the street in April was in court today, wher..View article
image-unavailable CBS Chicago
Baranek: USBC Bowler of the Year award has Sharon Klepacz humble, hungry
Sharon Klepacz still has her targets. She came super close to bowling an 800 series with a 796 in October of 2009 at AMF Forest Lanes in Lyons. "Completely drama filled," Klepacz remembered...View article
Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune
Jacob Klepacz's Dad Frustrated Over Lack of Police Info on Son's Murder
LINCOLN PARK — Jacob Klepacz, who was found unresponsive on Fullerton Avenue in April, was a homicide victim, dying from blunt head trauma from an assault, officials have ruled. Friends and..View article
DNAinfo DNAinfo
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