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Wiki content for Kira

Kira - Kira may refer to:
Kiribati - Kiribati (), officially the Republic of Kiribati (Gilbertese: Ribaberiki Kiribati), is a sovereign state in the central Pacific Ocean.
Kiran Bedi - Kiran Bedi (born 9 June 1949) is a retired Indian Police Service officer, social activist, former tennis player and politician who is the current Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw - Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw (born 23 March 1953) is an Indian billionaire entrepreneur. She is the chairperson and managing director of Biocon Limited, a biotechnology company based in Bangalore, Ind
Kirati people - The Kirati people (Sanskrit: Kirāta) (also spelled as Kirant or Kiranti) are an ethnic group of Himalayan region of South Asia, extending eastward from Nepal to Northern India.
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Examples of in a sentence

The girl with 'broken doll syndrome': Brave Kira, 9, is having her entire face ...
162 ratings rating ratings
MELBOURNE, 15 Ogos (Bernama) -- Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed mengejutkankira-kira 120 jemputan apabila beliau mengenakan topi chef dan apron untukmenyediakan rojak sambil diperhatikan Master Chef kelahiran Malaysia Adam Liaw
150 ratings rating ratings
Bernard Kira & Batan Silva Adapting Alfredo Corchado’s ‘Midnight In Mexico’ True Crime Book For Film & TV
Listen Bernard Kira & Batan Silva Adapting Alfredo Corchado’s ‘Midnight In Mexico’ True Crime Book For Film & TV pronunciation
138 ratings rating ratings
Country Music Star Kira Isabella Live at the Oshawa Centre
Listen Country Music Star Kira Isabella Live at the Oshawa Centre pronunciation
127 ratings rating ratings
Kira the dormitory of Kampala
Listen Kira the dormitory of Kampala pronunciation
115 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on Kira

Immunology Company Kira Biotech launches with A$20M Series A Funding
Listen Immunology Company Kira Biotech launches with A$20M Series A Funding pronunciation
BRISBANE, Australia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Australian immunology company Kira Biotech today announced it has secured Series A funding of A$20 million to develop therapeutics targeting difficult-t..View article
Business Wire Business Wire
High school volleyball: South’s Kira Rymer is well-rounded, on and off the court
Listen High school volleyball: South’s Kira Rymer is well-rounded, on and off the court pronunciation
LANDIS — At a recent South Rowan pep rally, one of the things on the agenda was recognizing senior volleyball star Kira Rymer for 1,000 career kills. Rymer promptly led the student body in a..View article
Salisbury Post Salisbury Post
Exclusive: Miss America Kira Kazantsev Reveals All the Photos and Details From Her Two Weddings
Listen Exclusive: Miss America Kira Kazantsev Reveals All the Photos and Details From Her Two Weddings pronunciation
Picking up an extra shift proved to be fate—and change—for Kira Kazantsev. It was summer 2012 in Washington, D.C., with the future Miss America 2015 interning by day and waitressing at the T..View article
Kira Kosarin: Showbiz is in her blood
MANILA, Philippines — To see Nickelodeon star Kira Kosarin — as the superhero Phoebe in The Thundermans — in the entertainment business singing and acting since she was four is not really su..View article
philstar.com philstar.com
From her living room to the Louvre, Kira sculpts ‘with her heart, not her eyes’
Listen From her living room to the Louvre, Kira sculpts ‘with her heart, not her eyes’ pronunciation
If you ever feel like giving up, this story is for you. It’s about a woman named Kira Pandukht. The Modjeska Canyon-based daughter of Armenian immigrants, Kira got a scholarship to UC Irvine..View article
Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times
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The correct way to pronounce the name barack obama is?

braa-k owbaa-mu-h
br-aak ow-baa-muh
b-raak owb-aa-muh
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