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Pronunciation of Kios with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Kios

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Meanings for Kios

It is a unisex name that is of Greek origin.
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Quiz on Kios


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Wiki content for Kios

Kiosk - Historically, a kiosk (from Persian kūshk) was a small garden pavilion open on some or all sides common in Persia, the Indian subcontinent, and in the Ottoman Empire from the 13th century on
Kiosk (band) - Kiosk (Persian: کیوسک‎) is a rock band formed in Tehran in 2003, known for its blend of musical styles and its wry lyrics confronting Iranian cultural angst.
Kiosk software - Kiosk software is the system and user interface software designed for an interactive kiosk or Internet kiosk enclosing the system in a way that prevents user interaction and activities on the
KioShiMa - Fabien Fiey, (born July 26, 1994) better known by his in-game name KioShiMa, is a French professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and former Counter-Strike 1.6 player.
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Examples of in a sentence

Having gone ashore at Kios in Mysia to fetch water, he was carried off by the nymphs of the spring in which he dipped his pitcher.
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Translations of Kios

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