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Pronunciation of Kigali with 5 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Kigali

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Meanings for Kigali

It is the capital of Rwanda that is known for its mountain gorillas.
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Synonyms for Kigali

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Quiz on Kigali


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Wiki content for Kigali

Kigali - Kigali (Kinyarwanda: [kiɡɑɾí]) is the capital and largest city of Rwanda. It is near the nation's geographic centre.
Kigali International Airport - Kigali International Airport (IATA: KGL, ICAO: HRYR), formerly known as Gregoire Kayibanda International Airport, but sometimes referred to as Kanombe International Airport, is the primary ai
Kigali City Tower - Kigali City Tower is a mixed use high rise office and retail building located in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda.
Kigali Genocide Memorial - The Kigali Genocide Memorial commemorates the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The remains of over 250,000 people are interred there.
Kigali Independent University - Kigali Independent University (French: Université Libre de Kigali, ULK), in Rwanda, is a private Institution of Higher Learning founded on 15 March 1996 and governed by the Law No.
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Examples of in a sentence

Global youth conference on genocide begins in Kigali
Listen Global youth conference on genocide begins in Kigali pronunciation
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Understanding Kigali's Transport Challenges
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Kigali's Quest for Sewerage System
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Translations of Kigali

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