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Meanings for Kian

Kian is a Persian given name which means "king". A Notable person with this name is Kian Egan, an Irish singer.
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Wiki content for Kian

Kian - Kian (Persian: كيان‎, also Romanized as Kīān; also known as Shahr-e Kīān (Persian: کیان)), is a city in the Central District of Shahrekord County, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, Iran.
Kian Egan - Kian John Francis Egan (born 29 April 1980) is an Irish singer, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter, best known as a member of International vocal group Westlife.
Kiana Ledé - Kiana Ledé Brown (born April 3, 1997) is an American singer, songwriter, actress and pianist currently based in Los Angeles, California.
Kiang - The kiang (Equus kiang) is the largest of the wild asses. It is native to the Tibetan Plateau, where it inhabits montane and alpine grasslands.
Kian Lawley - Kian Robert Lawley (born September 2, 1995) is an American YouTuber and actor.
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Examples of in a sentence

7 Holby City spoilers: Kian takes a shocking gamble to help Bea
Listen 7 Holby City spoilers: Kian takes a shocking gamble to help Bea pronunciation
185 ratings rating ratings
Holby City's Kian Madani is facing an uncertain future after shocking move during girlfriend's surgery
Listen Holby City's Kian Madani is facing an uncertain future after shocking move during girlfriend's surgery pronunciation
172 ratings rating ratings
Kian Murphy • Principia soccer
Listen Kian Murphy • Principia soccer pronunciation
158 ratings rating ratings
Government encourages technology and innovation in B2G sector - Ong Kian Ming
Listen Government encourages technology and innovation in B2G sector - Ong Kian Ming pronunciation
145 ratings rating ratings
Westlife's Kian Egan shares secrets to surviving - and winning - I'm A Celebrity
Listen Westlife's Kian Egan shares secrets to surviving - and winning - I'm A Celebrity pronunciation
132 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of Kian

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Trending news on Kian

How has COVID Changed Football? by Kian Ladd, Ewell Castle School
Listen How has COVID Changed Football? by Kian Ladd, Ewell Castle School pronunciation
There has been vast number of things that the COVID 19 pandemic has affected, with football being a major one. From international tournaments to Sunday league, many matches were forced to be..View article
image-unavailable This is Local London
Listen WORKERS DORMITORY @ KIAN TECK (14/16 PAX) 没有代理费 pronunciation
ONE STOP FOR DORMITORY SEARCH !!! Nationality: Indian, Bangla, Thai, Chinese, Myanmar, Filipino, etc. suitable for Supervisors too. Facilities: Some dormitories comes ...
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Kian F Jacobs
Listen Kian F Jacobs pronunciation
My practice is primarily teletherapy via doxy.me, a secure web site. Tough times, we are all in this together! I am a Certified EMDR Therapist and find that EMDR can quickly offer relief and..View article
image-unavailable Psychology Today
Seah Kian Peng's adept Covid communications check out
Listen Seah Kian Peng's adept Covid communications check out pronunciation
Now that the issue has passed, Fairprice Group CEO Seah Kian Peng could reflect on all the craziness earlier this year. In a two-part interview on CNBC, he displayed tact and smart manoeuvri..View article
image-unavailable mynewsdesk.com
FC Halifax Town bound Kian Spence to return to Scarborough Athletic in loan switch
Listen FC Halifax Town bound Kian Spence to return to Scarborough Athletic in loan switch pronunciation
Kian Spence is set to return to a depleted Scarborough Athletic squad for their trip to big spending Buxton tonight ahead of a loan switch from FC Halifax Town.
Halifax Courier Halifax Courier
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