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Pronunciation of Khufu with 3 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Khufu

He was an ancient Egyptian monarch who was known for building the Great Pyramid at Giza.
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Synonyms for Khufu

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Quiz on Khufu


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Wiki content for Khufu

Examples of in a sentence

Egypt: 'Khufu's secret' exposed from thermal anomalies detected in Great Pyramid bricks
Listen Egypt: 'Khufu's secret' exposed from thermal anomalies detected in Great Pyramid bricks pronunciation
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Egypt: Secret 'doors' inside Great Pyramid tipped to expose Khufu's hidden chamber
Listen Egypt: Secret 'doors' inside Great Pyramid tipped to expose Khufu's hidden chamber pronunciation
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Picture of the Day: George Nissen, Inventor of the Trampoline, Goes Airborne Atop Egypt’s Khufu Pyramid
Listen Picture of the Day: George Nissen, Inventor of the Trampoline, Goes Airborne Atop Egypt’s Khufu Pyramid pronunciation
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Egypt: GEM Receives 2,000 Artifacts, 47 Wood Pieces of Khufu's Second Boat
Listen Egypt: GEM Receives 2,000 Artifacts, 47 Wood Pieces of Khufu's Second Boat pronunciation
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Khufu Pyramid closed tomorrow
Listen Khufu Pyramid closed tomorrow pronunciation
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Trending news on Khufu

GEM receives 2,000 artifacts, 47 wood pieces of Khufu's second boat
Listen GEM receives 2,000 artifacts, 47 wood pieces of Khufu's second boat pronunciation
He added that 47 wooden pieces had also been transferred today from the second boat of King Khufu in the Giza Pyramid complex, taking the total number of ancient objects taken from the boat..View article
image-unavailable sis.gov.eg
Khufu's Inside Story
Listen Khufu's Inside Story pronunciation
King Khufu, who is also known by the greek name "Cheops," was the father of pyramid building at Giza. He ruled from 2589 - 2566 B.C. and was the son of King Sneferu and Queen Hetpeheres.
image-unavailable PBS
Khufu Pyramid closed tomorrow
Listen Khufu Pyramid closed tomorrow pronunciation
Aly El-Asfar, head of the Giza Plateau in the SCA, told Ahram Online that the Great Pyramid of Khufu will be closed tomorrow, thereby cancelling 19 private visits scheduled and approved a ye..View article
image-unavailable Hebdo Ahram
Egypt: GEM Receives 2,000 Artifacts, 47 Wood Pieces of Khufu's Second Boat
Listen Egypt: GEM Receives 2,000 Artifacts, 47 Wood Pieces of Khufu's Second Boat pronunciation
He added that 47 wooden pieces had also been transferred today from the second boat of King Khufu in the Giza Pyramid complex, taking the total number of ancient objects taken from the boat..View article
image-unavailable AllAfrica.com
Picture of the Day: George Nissen, Inventor of the Trampoline, Goes Airborne Atop Egypt’s Khufu Pyramid
Listen Picture of the Day: George Nissen, Inventor of the Trampoline, Goes Airborne Atop Egypt’s Khufu Pyramid pronunciation
By Marina MakaryWe’ve all had a time in our lives when we were obsessed with trampolines, whether during our childhood or even as adults. But none of us probably ever thought of the man who..View article
Scoop Empire on MSN.com Scoop Empire on MSN.com
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