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    Meanings for Kfc

    It is a popular fast food restaurant and it is present in almost all over the world, originally originated from Germany. It is especially known for its quick recipes and taste.
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    A Fast food restaurant company headquartered in the united states, which was founded in the year 1952.
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    Wiki content for Kfc

    Examples of in a sentence

    Fast Foodies: Kevin Heffernan And Steve Lemme Taste Test Chefs Remake Of Kfc Fried Chicken
    Listen Fast Foodies: Kevin Heffernan And Steve Lemme Taste Test Chefs Remake Of Kfc Fried Chicken pronunciation
    1 rating rating ratings
    KFC scholarships help pupils hatch bright future
    Listen KFC scholarships help pupils hatch bright future pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    KFC Is Teaming Up With Meals On Wheels To Provide Meals To Seniors Nationwide
    Listen KFC Is Teaming Up With Meals On Wheels To Provide Meals To Seniors Nationwide pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Late mail: Selection news, KFC SuperCoach whispers and the best captain options for Round 3
    Listen Late mail: Selection news, KFC SuperCoach whispers and the best captain options for Round 3 pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    KFC Canada Launches KFC Famous Chicken Chicken Sandwich
    Listen KFC Canada Launches KFC Famous Chicken Chicken Sandwich pronunciation
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    Trending news on Kfc

    KFC Partners With Meals On Wheels America To Feed Seniors Across The Country
    Listen KFC Partners With Meals On Wheels America To Feed Seniors Across The Country pronunciation
    Kentucky Fried Chicken® is once again donating one million pieces of chicken to support the communities it serves, this time dedicating its world-famous secret recipe to support seniors acro..View article
    YAHOO!Finance YAHOO!Finance
    KFC to Donate 1 Million Pieces of Chicken to Feed Seniors
    Listen KFC to Donate 1 Million Pieces of Chicken to Feed Seniors pronunciation
    Kentucky Fried Chicken is once again donating one million pieces of chicken to support the communities it serves, this time dedicating its world-famous secret recipe to support seniors acros..View article
    QSR magazine QSR magazine
    Why KFC and Taco Bell's parent company is on a tech startup buying spree after posting a record $17 billion in digital sales in 2020
    Listen Why KFC and Taco Bell's parent company is on a tech startup buying spree after posting a record $17 billion in digital sales in 2020 pronunciation
    Yum Brands, the owner of Taco Bell, KFC, and Pizza Hut, has bought Tictuk Technologies and Kvantum to drive online orders and improve marketing spend.
    Business Insider Business Insider
    KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut to Start Taking Orders via Text
    Listen KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut to Start Taking Orders via Text pronunciation
    Restaurant parent Yum Brands is buying an Israeli startup that developed software for fast-food ordering through text and social-media apps.
    Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal
    KFC Yum! Center set to host PBR, its first touring event since COVID-19 pandemic began
    Listen KFC Yum! Center set to host PBR, its first touring event since COVID-19 pandemic began pronunciation
    But first crews have to transform the KFC Yum! Center. Crews spent hours unloading 1.5 million pounds of dirt Friday, preparing for PBR's Lucas Oil Invitational. "Right now, the world kinda..View article
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