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Phonetic spelling of Kalamunda

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Meanings for Kalamunda

A minimally populated town is located in Australia.
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Wiki content for Kalamunda

Kalamunda, Western Australia - Kalamunda (Nyungar: Karlamarda) is a town and eastern suburb of Perth, Western Australia, located in the Darling Scarp at the eastern limits of the Perth metropolitan area.
Kalamunda Eastern Suns - Kalamunda Eastern Suns is a State Basketball League (SBL) club based in Perth, Western Australia. The club fields a team in both the Men's SBL (MSBL) and Women's SBL (WSBL).
Kalamunda Zig Zag - The Kalamunda Zig Zag was part of the Upper Darling Range Railway line in Western Australia opening in July 1891 and closing in July 1949.
Kalamunda National Park - Kalamunda National Park is a national park in Western Australia, 23 kilometres (14 mi) east of Perth, near the town of Kalamunda.
Kalamunda bus station - Kalamunda bus station is a Transperth bus station located next to the Kalamunda Central shopping centre in Kalamunda, Western Australia.
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Examples of in a sentence

He's been described as the next Cadel Evans and has a name which would look comfortable in lights, but Kalamunda's Robbie Power is happy to bide his time before joining the world of professional cycling
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Translations of Kalamunda

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