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Pronunciation of Kailea with 4 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Kailea

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Meanings for Kailea

A feminine name that is originated in Hawaii.
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The name Kailea is girl's name meaning "pure; sea of joy". In English, Kailea is an unusual variant spelling of Kayley or Kaylee. In Hawaiian, Kaileʻa means "sea of joy".
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Wiki content for Kailea

Kailash Kher - Kailash Kher is an Indian playback singer and music composer, he sang songs with a music style influenced by Indian folk music and Sufi music.
Kailua, Honolulu County, Hawaii - Kailua is a census-designated place (CDP) in Honolulu County, Hawaii, United States. It lies in the Koʻolaupoko District of the island of Oʻahu on the windward coast at Kailua Bay.
Kailash Satyarthi - Kailash Satyarthi (born 11 January 1954) is an Indian social reformer who campaigned against child labour in India and elsewhere and advocated the universal right to education.
Kailua, Hawaii County, Hawaii - Kailua is an unincorporated city (Census Designated Place) in Hawaiʻi County, Hawaii, United States, in the North Kona District of the Island of Hawaiʻi.
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Examples of Kailea in a sentence

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Translations of Kailea

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