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IPA : ʤʌst ʤʌst
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    Examples of in a sentence

    General Petraeus: Fight for Afghan town Marja is 'just the initial operation'
    Listen General Petraeus: Fight for Afghan town Marja is 'just the initial operation' pronunciation
    64 ratings rating ratings
    School dinner costs just 49p in Wales
    Listen School dinner costs just 49p in Wales pronunciation
    59 ratings rating ratings
    Two largest known prime numbers discovered just two weeks apart, one qualifies for $100k prize
    Listen Two largest known prime numbers discovered just two weeks apart, one qualifies for $100k prize pronunciation
    55 ratings rating ratings
    Just 6% say they're watching the debate because they're undecided, but that's larger than it sounds
    Listen Just 6% say they're watching the debate because they're undecided, but that's larger than it sounds pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    LeBron James is Just 2 Games Away From a Crazy, Dismaying NBA Finals Record
    Listen LeBron James is Just 2 Games Away From a Crazy, Dismaying NBA Finals Record pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on just

    FDA to meet with outside advisers on coronavirus booster shots Sept. 17. That’s just days before the shots are expected to become available.
    Listen FDA to meet with outside advisers on coronavirus booster shots Sept. 17. That’s just days before the shots are expected to become available. pronunciation
    The session, which will be public, could add clarity and transparency to a decision-making process that some people have criticized as confusing.
    Washington Post on MSN.com Washington Post on MSN.com
    Review: The $360,000 McLaren 720S Spider isn't just an incredible car — it makes you feel like a kid again
    Listen Review: The $360,000 McLaren 720S Spider isn't just an incredible car — it makes you feel like a kid again pronunciation
    Spider starts at $315,000 and climbs from there. As with many cars of its kind, it's everything you'd ever dreamed of and more.
    Business Insider on MSN.com Business Insider on MSN.com
    FDA to confer with outside advisers on COVID booster shots, just days before they’re planned for use
    Listen FDA to confer with outside advisers on COVID booster shots, just days before they’re planned for use pronunciation
    Though the meeting is meant to review booster data, it is likely to deal more broadly with hotly debated questions: What is the U.S. trying to achieve with vaccines? What is our obligation t..View article
    Seattle Times Seattle Times
    Private payrolls increase by just 374,000 in August, far short of the 600,000 estimate, ADP says
    Listen Private payrolls increase by just 374,000 in August, far short of the 600,000 estimate, ADP says pronunciation
    Private payrolls rose just 374,000 for the month, well below the Dow Jones estimate of 600,000 though above July's 326,000, according to ADP.
    CNBC on MSN.com CNBC on MSN.com
    Teenager shot dead on residential street just hours after man attacked nearby with hammer
    Listen Teenager shot dead on residential street just hours after man attacked nearby with hammer pronunciation
    A MURDER probe has been launched after a teenager was shot dead on an East London estate. It comes just a few hours after a man was attacked with a hammer nearby. Local residents said they h..View article
    image-unavailable The Sun
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