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Learn how to pronounce Juan Soto

Juan Soto

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Pronunciation of Juan Soto with 2 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Juan Soto

He is a Dominican professional baseball outfielder for the Washington Nationals of Major League Baseball who takes in Fenway Park, Green Monster in the first trip to Boston
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Wiki content for Juan Soto

Examples of in a sentence

Juan Soto’s positive test forces hard questions about playing baseball during a pandemic
Listen Juan Soto’s positive test forces hard questions about playing baseball during a pandemic pronunciation
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Juan Soto moves up in Nationals lineup change
Listen Juan Soto moves up in Nationals lineup change pronunciation
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Juan Soto takes in Fenway Park, Green Monster in first trip to Boston
Listen Juan Soto takes in Fenway Park, Green Monster in first trip to Boston pronunciation
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Nationals' Juan Soto: Homers keep flying
Listen Nationals' Juan Soto: Homers keep flying pronunciation
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The Juan Soto-Will Smith beef, explained
Listen The Juan Soto-Will Smith beef, explained pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on Juan Soto

Juan Soto named NL Player of the Week
Listen Juan Soto named NL Player of the Week pronunciation
Following a week in which he hit .462 (12-for-26) with one double, five home runs, 12 RBI, three walks, one stolen base and 12 runs
Mid-Atlantic Sports Network Mid-Atlantic Sports Network
Brandon Leibrandt K's Juan Soto
Listen Brandon Leibrandt K's Juan Soto pronunciation
Brandon Leibrandt strikes out Juan Soto swinging in his Major League debut to record the first out in the bottom of the 5th for the Marlins
Juan Soto hilariously danced on the Nationals dugout to celebrate Josh Harrison's homer
Listen Juan Soto hilariously danced on the Nationals dugout to celebrate Josh Harrison's homer pronunciation
And absolutely no one in the dugout — and maybe not even Harrison himself — was as excited about the dinger as Juan Soto, who was reinstated for his first game of the 2020 season after ...
image-unavailable USA Today
Washington Nationals’ Juan Soto brings family to Nationals Park for 2020 debut
Listen Washington Nationals’ Juan Soto brings family to Nationals Park for 2020 debut pronunciation
“No. 22, Juan Soto, batting fourth, playing left field,” Davey Martinez said in advance of Juan Soto’s 2020 debut, which followed two stints in quarantine for the 21-year-old outfielder who..View article
Federal Baseball Federal Baseball
Juan Soto returns to the Nationals lineup, but still doesn't believe he actually had coronavirus
Listen Juan Soto returns to the Nationals lineup, but still doesn't believe he actually had coronavirus pronunciation
The return of Juan Soto — or rather the season debut — is upon us. Soto, the young Washington Nationals star, is set to make his 2020 debut Wednesday after missing the first week and a half..View article
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