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Meanings for Joce

It is an English masculine name.
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Wiki content for Joce

Joce - Joce may refer to:
Jocelyn Bell Burnell - Dame Susan Jocelyn Bell Burnell (; born 15 July 1943) is an astrophysicist from Northern Ireland who, as a postgraduate student, co-discovered the first radio pulsars in 1967. She was credit
Jocelyn Flores - "Jocelyn Flores" is a song written and performed by American rapper XXXTentacion. It is the second single from his debut studio album 17. It was sent to rhythmic radio on October 31, 2017, a
Jocelyn Wildenstein - Jocelyn Wildenstein (née Périsset; born August 5, 1940) is an American socialite known for her extensive cosmetic surgery, resulting in her catlike appearance, her 1999 high-profile divorce f
Jocelyn and Chris Arndt - Jocelyn and Chris Arndt are sibling blues-rock music artists from Upstate New York. Jocelyn sings lead vocals and plays piano, while Chris plays lead and rhythm guitar.
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Examples of in a sentence

Bill Shepherd out, Joce Yeoman in after final counting
Listen Bill Shepherd out, Joce Yeoman in after final counting pronunciation
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Celebrating the Life of Joceleyn Kaligis
Listen Celebrating the Life of Joceleyn Kaligis pronunciation
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Rembrandt Frerichs Trio + Sylvain Rifflet & Joce Mienniel Live at BIMHUIS Amsterdam
Listen Rembrandt Frerichs Trio + Sylvain Rifflet & Joce Mienniel Live at BIMHUIS Amsterdam pronunciation
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Lilian (Lilias) Joce Salmon
Listen Lilian (Lilias) Joce Salmon pronunciation
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Watch Dom & Carrie throw sausages at Joce
Listen Watch Dom & Carrie throw sausages at Joce pronunciation
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Trending news on Joce

Morrill girls run past Hay Springs 61-29
Listen Morrill girls run past Hay Springs 61-29 pronunciation
Joce Varvel led Hay Springs with 10 points. Morrill: Shandie Hess 2, Brooke Hopkins 3, Madison Mendoza 4, Graci McCarty 5, Jaiden Steiner 6pts, 7 rebounds, Schaefer 17, Guerue 24pts 12 steal..View article
Scottsbluff Star Herald Scottsbluff Star Herald
Engineering Victory: Joce Pritchett Wants to be State Auditor
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Mississippi pride runs deep for Jocelyn Pepper Pritchett, who goes by Joce (JO-see). The only time she has lived out of state was when she was away at graduate school, and she has been back..View article
Jackson Free Press Jackson Free Press
Watch Dom & Carrie throw sausages at Joce
Listen Watch Dom & Carrie throw sausages at Joce pronunciation
Chris failed to do this and was therefore disqualified. Dom tapped into the genius that is Joce’s singing and developed “Joce and Dom, Sing – A – Long”, Carrie’s “What on Earth is it?” went..View article
Lilian (Lilias) Joce Salmon
Listen Lilian (Lilias) Joce Salmon pronunciation
SALMON Lilian (Lilias) Joyce It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Lilian Joyce Salmon, aged 82, on 30th June 2019, suddenly at home with her family around her. Back in the..View article
The Argus The Argus
Rembrandt Frerichs Trio + Sylvain Rifflet & Joce Mienniel Live at BIMHUIS Amsterdam
Listen Rembrandt Frerichs Trio + Sylvain Rifflet & Joce Mienniel Live at BIMHUIS Amsterdam pronunciation
After a successful edition with Italian trumpeter Paolo Fresu for this concert they perform with two European musicians who also honor melody, beauty and risky improvisation: flautist Joce M..View article
Jazz Jazz
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