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Jimmy Stewart

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Meanings for Jimmy Stewart

A famous American actor and the military pilot was born on 20 May 1908 and have acted in many films and is known for his distinctive drawl and everyman screen persona, Stewart's film career spanned 80 films from 1935 to 1991.
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Wiki content for Jimmy Stewart

Jimmy Stewart (musician) - Jimmy Stewart (born September 8, 1937) is an American guitarist who has performed a wide variety of music since the late-1950s.
Jimmy Stewart (politician) - Jimmy Stewart (born January 24, 1970) is a Republican politician who served in the Ohio General Assembly.
Jimmy Stewart 2007 - Jimmy Stewart 2007 is a double live album by progressive rock band Umphrey's McGee. The album was released on June 17, 2008 and consists of some of the band's best improvisational performance
Jimmy Stewart (baseball) - James Franklin Stewart (June 11, 1939 – November 24, 2012) was a Major League Baseball player for the Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox, Cincinnati Reds and Houston Astros from 1963 to 1973.He
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Examples of in a sentence

A few film actors—Bogart, Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Marilyn Monroe, possibly Robert Mitchum, certainly John Wayne—have succeeded in constructing personas so magnetic as to float permanently free from their actual bodies of on-screen work
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Translations of Jimmy Stewart

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