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IPA : ʤɪˈhɑːd
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Wiki content for jihad

Jihad - Jihad (English: ; Arabic: جهاد‎ jihād [dʒɪˈhaːd]) is an Arabic word which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim.
Jihadi John - Mohammed Emwazi (born Muhammad Jassim Abdulkarim Olayan al-Dhafiri; Arabic: محمد جاسم عبد الكريم عليان الظفيري‎; 17 August 1988 – 12 November 2015) was a British Arab believed to be the perso
Jihadism - The term "Jihadism" (also "jihadist movement", "jihadi movement" and variants) is a 21st-century neologism found in Western languages to describe Islamist movements perceived as military mov
Jihad Ahmed Mustafa Dhiab - Jihad Ahmed Mujstafa Diyab also known as Abu Wa'el Dhiab was born in Lebanon. He was held in extrajudicial detention in the United States' Guantanamo Bay detention camp, in Cuba until he was
Jihadist extremism in the United States - Jihadist extremism in the United States (or Islamist extremism in the United States) refers to Islamic extremism occurring within the United States.
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Examples of in a sentence

Ra’am Lawmakers Wage ‘Civil Jihad’
Listen Ra’am Lawmakers Wage ‘Civil Jihad’ pronunciation
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Belgian teacher shares video of imam calling for 'Jihad' against Jews
Listen Belgian teacher shares video of imam calling for 'Jihad' against Jews pronunciation
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PM urges nation to play due role in jihad against corruption
Listen PM urges nation to play due role in jihad against corruption pronunciation
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Hamas, Jihad Delegations in Cairo to Reinforce Israel Ceasefire
Listen Hamas, Jihad Delegations in Cairo to Reinforce Israel Ceasefire pronunciation
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Renowned Islam scholar’s new book shows how jihad affects Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Listen Renowned Islam scholar’s new book shows how jihad affects Israeli-Palestinian conflict pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on jihad

Ra’am Lawmakers Wage ‘Civil Jihad’
Listen Ra’am Lawmakers Wage ‘Civil Jihad’ pronunciation
Israel finally has a budget. However, when the lights went out in the Knesset last weekend, a new and incomparably more dangerous journey began. A campaign by the Islamist R
Jewish Press Jewish Press
Indian politician sued for ‘hurting religious sentiments’ in book comparing Hindu nationalism to jihad
Listen Indian politician sued for ‘hurting religious sentiments’ in book comparing Hindu nationalism to jihad pronunciation
A criminal complaint was registered Friday against Indian politician and former union minister Salman Khurshid over statements made in his recent book 'Sunrise over Ayodhya-Nationhood in our..View article
Jurist Jurist
Cricket As Jihad: Time To Ostracise Pakistan
Listen Cricket As Jihad: Time To Ostracise Pakistan pronunciation
Radicalisation in Pakistan is endemic. It affects even the mundane, and cricket is no exception. In neighbouring Pakistan, there is the charade of a democratic government. It operates under..View article
Swarajya Swarajya
Alleged co-founder of neo-Nazi group from Swindon coined term ‘white jihad’, court told
Listen Alleged co-founder of neo-Nazi group from Swindon coined term ‘white jihad’, court told pronunciation
The Swindon man was likened to the Third Reich’s propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, during a trial at. | ITV News West Country
Islamic Jihad marks the assassination of one of its leaders with a military parade in Gaza
Listen Islamic Jihad marks the assassination of one of its leaders with a military parade in Gaza pronunciation
On Thursday 11 November, the Al Quds Brigade, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, organised a military parade in Gaza City. The event marked the anniversary of the assassination of..View article
Yahoo News UK Yahoo News UK
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