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Meanings for jian

Indonesian silat weapon, The Jian is a double-edged straight sword used during the last 2,500 years in China In Chinese folklore, it is called as "The Gentleman of Weapons"
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strong, healthy
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Chinese Mythical creature, A ghost that is dead. Ghosts of Ghosts.
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Wiki content for jian

Jian - The jian (pronunciation [tɕjɛ̂n], English approximation: jyehn, simplified Chinese: 剑; traditional Chinese: 劍; pinyin: jiàn; Cantonese: Gim) is a double-edged straight sword used during the
Jiangsu - Jiangsu (江苏; formerly Kiangsu) is an eastern-central coastal province of the People's Republic of China.
Jiang Qing - Jiang Qing (March 19, 1914 – May 14, 1991), also known as Madame Mao, was a Chinese Communist Revolutionary, actress, and major political figure during the Cultural Revolution (1966–76).
Jiangxi - Jiangxi (江西; alternately romanized as Kiangsi or Chianghsi) is a landlocked province in Eastern China.
Jiang Zemin - Jiang Zemin (UK: , US: ; born 17 August 1926) is a Chinese retired politician who served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 2002 as Chairman of the Central Mili
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Examples of in a sentence

What Jian Ghomeshi did
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Why Did the New York Review of Books Publish That Jian Ghomeshi Essay?
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MANDEL: Disgraced Jian Ghomeshi breaks silence to feel sorry for - Ghomeshi
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Whose Eyes on the Street / Liu Jian for the Shenzhen Biennale (UABB) 2019
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Chinese survey ship 'Zhang Jian' spotted in Philippine waters
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Translations of jian

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Trending news on jian

MANDEL: Disgraced Jian Ghomeshi breaks silence to feel sorry for - Ghomeshi
He should have stayed under his rock where he belongs. Four years after his world came crashing down under multiple accusations of sexual misconduct, disgraced broadcaster Jian Ghomeshi is b..View article
Toronto Sun Toronto Sun
Why Did the New York Review of Books Publish That Jian Ghomeshi Essay?
Well before the world associated the phrase “me too” with sexual assault, Jian Ghomeshi was a popular Canadian radio host and musician. In 2014 and 2015, however, he became the subject of nu..View article
Slate Slate
What Jian Ghomeshi did
Jian Ghomeshi leaves court with his attorney Marie Henein after a judge found him not guilty on four sexual assault charges and one count of choking. (Jenna Marie Wakani, Reuters) The two co..View article
Macleans.ca Macleans.ca
Whose Eyes on the Street / Liu Jian for the Shenzhen Biennale (UABB) 2019
About the Author Jian LIU received her Bachelor degree in Architecture and Master and Doctor degrees in Urban Planning & Design from Tsinghua University. She is Registered City Planner in Ch..View article
image-unavailable ArchDaily
Chinese survey ship 'Zhang Jian' spotted in Philippine waters
Ryan Martinson, assistant professor at China Maritime Studies Institute, posted on Twitter that the Chinese research vessel "Zhang Jian" operated just 80 nautical miles from the country's ea..View article
philstar.com philstar.com
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