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Pronunciation of Jessamyn with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Jessamyn

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Meanings for Jessamyn

A prominent feminine name that is originated in England.
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Quiz on Jessamyn


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Wiki content for Jessamyn

Jessamyn Duke - Jessamyn Laurel Duke (born June 24, 1986) is an American professional wrestler and former mixed martial artist, signed to WWE as part of their NXT brand.
Jessamyn West (librarian) - Jessamyn Charity West (born September 5, 1968) is an American librarian and blogger, best known as the creator of librarian.net and for her unconventional views on her profession.
Jessamyn Stanley - Jessamyn Stanley is a yoga teacher and body positivity advocate and writer. She gained recognition through her Instagram posts showing her doing yoga as a "plus-size woman of color," who self
Jessamyn Rodriguez - Jessamyn Waldman Rodriguez is a Canadian-American social entrepreneur. She is the founder and served as the Chief Executive Officer of Hot Bread Kitchen, a social enterprise bakery in East H
Jessamyn West (writer) - Mary Jessamyn West (July 18, 1902 – February 23, 1984) was an American author of short stories and novels, notably The Friendly Persuasion (1945).
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Translations of Jessamyn

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