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Pronunciation of jehovah with 6 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ʤɪˈhəʊvə
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Examples of in a sentence

Jehovah’s Witnesses take to the streets in Downtown Columbus to share their message
96 ratings rating ratings
Russian Court Sentences Jehovah's Witness To 6 Years In Prison For 'Extremism'
89 ratings rating ratings
Persecution Against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia Escalates
74 ratings rating ratings
Comedian OB Amponsah demonstrates how Ghanaians 'maltreat' Jehovah's Witnesses
67 ratings rating ratings
Russia jails Jehovah’s Witness for extremism
59 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on jehovah

Man who raped Jehovah's Witness girls sentenced to 5 years in prison
Moriah Hughes left the Jehovah's Witnesses faith after elders in the church turned away when she approached them with accusations of rape against another fellow congregation member when she..View article
NBC News NBC News
Russian Court Sentences Jehovah's Witness To 6 Years In Prison For 'Extremism'
A Russian court has sentenced a man to six years in prison. His crime? Being a practicing Jehovah's Witness. Sergei Klimov was sentenced Tuesday in the Siberian college town of Tomsk. He is..View article
Calling Out Sexual Abuse in the Jehovah's Witnesses Is a Horrific Struggle
In 2013, after Debbie McDaniel left her Jehovah's Witness congregation in McAlester, Oklahoma, she went to police and told them members had been sitting outside her apartment, monitoring her..View article
Persecution Against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia Escalates
Last week, police near Norilsk, in northern Russia, raided a campsite where more than 50 Jehovah’s Witness followers had gathered to pray. It was the latest example of an escalating crackdow..View article
Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch
Comedian OB Amponsah demonstrates how Ghanaians 'maltreat' Jehovah's Witnesses
Delivering his rib-cracking performance, OB joked about how Ghanaians maltreat Jehovah Witnesses whenever they approach them to preach the gospel. The comedian indicated that one can be play..View article
Ghanaweb.com Ghanaweb.com
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