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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈʤefrɪ
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    Wiki content for jeffrey

    Jeffrey - Jeffrey may refer to:
    Jeffrey Epstein - Jeffrey Edward Epstein ( EP-steen; January 20, 1953 – August 10, 2019) was an American financier and convicted sex offender.
    Jeffrey Dahmer - Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (; May 21, 1960 – November 28, 1994), also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal or the Milwaukee Monster, was an American serial killer and sex offender who committed the rap
    Jeffree Star - Jeffree Star (born Jeffrey Lynn Steininger Jr.; November 15, 1985) is an American Internet celebrity, beauty YouTuber, makeup artist, model, entrepreneur, and singer-songwriter.
    Jeffrey Archer - Jeffrey Howard Archer (born 15 April 1940) is an English novelist, former politician, and peer of the realm.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Massive ice deposits found on Mars
    Listen Massive ice deposits found on Mars pronunciation
    132 ratings rating ratings
    Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling found guilty
    Listen Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling found guilty pronunciation
    122 ratings rating ratings
    NSW appeal court acquits Jeffrey Gilham of parents' murders
    Listen NSW appeal court acquits Jeffrey Gilham of parents' murders pronunciation
    113 ratings rating ratings
    Interview with Chuck Jeffrey, Regional Council candidate for Wards 2 & 6 in Brampton, Canada
    Listen Interview with Chuck Jeffrey, Regional Council candidate for Wards 2 & 6 in Brampton, Canada pronunciation
    104 ratings rating ratings
    Reported Bigfoot sighting in Clarence, New York a hoax
    Listen Reported Bigfoot sighting in Clarence, New York a hoax pronunciation
    94 ratings rating ratings
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    Trending news on jeffrey

    David Dempsey Of Van Nuys, Jeffrey Brown Of Santa Ana Arrested In Connection With Jan. 6 Capitol Breach
    Listen David Dempsey Of Van Nuys, Jeffrey Brown Of Santa Ana Arrested In Connection With Jan. 6 Capitol Breach pronunciation
    Two men from Southern California were arrested Thursday for their part in the Capitol riot on Jan. 6. (credit: Department Of Justice) David Nicholas Dempsey, 34, of Van Nuys, was charged wit..View article
    CBS Local on MSN.com CBS Local on MSN.com
    Staff, inmates support closing filthy NYC jail where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself
    Listen Staff, inmates support closing filthy NYC jail where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself pronunciation
    Any place is betta then here smh,” said one current inmate at the MCC in a text message obtained by the Daily News from a contraband cell phone. “Nobody gives a f--k bout no1 here... Dis pla..View article
    New York Daily News New York Daily News
    ‘Charmed’: Jeffrey Lieber, Joey Falco & Nicki Renna Tapped As New Showrunners For Season 4 Of CW Series
    Listen ‘Charmed’: Jeffrey Lieber, Joey Falco & Nicki Renna Tapped As New Showrunners For Season 4 Of CW Series pronunciation
    There’s been a shift in showrunners for the CW’s Charmed as Jeffrey Lieber, Joey Falco and Nicki Renna take over as showrunners for the drama’s Season 4, Deadline has confirmed.
    Deadline.com Deadline.com
    US closing troubled New York City jail where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself
    Listen US closing troubled New York City jail where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself pronunciation
    The U.S. government said Thursday it is shutting down a federal jail in New York City after a slew of problems that came to light following disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide ther..View article
    Santa Rosa Press Democrat Santa Rosa Press Democrat
    They’re Closing the Prison Where I Met Jeffrey Epstein. It’s About Time.
    Listen They’re Closing the Prison Where I Met Jeffrey Epstein. It’s About Time. pronunciation
    Mary Altaffer/APIt was a dark day in late December when my pretrial officer called to inform me I’d be serving my year in prison at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in downtown Manhattan..View article
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