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    Meanings for Jasper

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    an opaque form of quartz; red or yellow or brown or dark green in color; used for ornamentation or as a gemstone
    0 rating rating ratings
    red jasper
    0 rating rating ratings
    Jasper is a type of stone, used to make jewels
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    Jasper refers to the type of Gemstone segregated from the mineral phase of chalcedony or micro angular quartz.
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    Wiki content for Jasper

    Jasper - Jasper, an aggregate of microgranular quartz and/or chalcedony and other mineral phases, is an opaque, impure variety of silica, usually red, yellow, brown or green in color; and rarely blue.
    Jasper Liu - Jasper Liu (Chinese: 劉以豪; born August 12, 1986) is a Taiwanese actor, model, and musician. Liu started out as a model before crossing over to acting and gained popularity in Taiwan and other
    Jasper County, Missouri - Jasper County is a county located in the southwest portion of the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 117,404. Its county seat is Carthage, and its largest city
    Jasper, Indiana - Jasper is a city in, and the county seat of Dubois County, Indiana, United States, located along the Patoka River.
    Jasper Cillessen - Jacobus Antonius Peter Johannes "Jasper" Cillessen (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈjɑspər ˈsɪləsə(n)]; born 22 April 1989) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Spanish clu
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Jasper man indicted in Alfred Wright case
    120 ratings rating ratings
    Dedication of Jasper County Veterans Memorial slated for Saturday
    111 ratings rating ratings
    Missing Man's Body Found in Jasper County
    102 ratings rating ratings
    Jasper County Light Fight continues with volunteer coordinators
    Listen Jasper County Light Fight continues with volunteer coordinators pronunciation
    94 ratings rating ratings
    D-Boe's expands to Jasper Street, incorporates seafood menu
    Listen D-Boe's expands to Jasper Street, incorporates seafood menu pronunciation
    85 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Jasper

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    Trending news on Jasper

    D-Boe's expands to Jasper Street, incorporates seafood menu
    Listen D-Boe's expands to Jasper Street, incorporates seafood menu pronunciation
    DECATUR — D-Boe’s In and Out Fish will open to the public Monday, Dec. 2, at 130 S. Jasper St., Decatur. Owner Darrell Holloway said the new business will focus on seafood items, such as til..View article
    Herald & Review Herald & Review
    Jasper Co. Sheriff’s Office experiencing technical issues
    Listen Jasper Co. Sheriff’s Office experiencing technical issues pronunciation
    JASPER COUNTY, Mo. (KODE/KSNF) — As of 5:07 P.M., the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office is experiencing technical issues with their phone lines. Currently, individuals who are trying to call th..View article
    Four States Homepage Four States Homepage
    Jasper County Museum to host holiday open house
    Listen Jasper County Museum to host holiday open house pronunciation
    The Jasper County Historical Museum will be hosting The Joys & Toys of Christmas Open House event Saturday and Sunday where attendees can travel through history while also celebrating the sp..View article
    Newton Daily News Newton Daily News
    A spiritual connection on Mount Jasper
    Listen A spiritual connection on Mount Jasper pronunciation
    Last week, I printed a 2015 article about Devil’s Slide in Stark. I mentioned that I had combined two short hikes that day in the North Country: Devil’s Slide and Mount Jasper in Berlin, whi..View article
    The Conway Daily Sun The Conway Daily Sun
    Jasper superintendent leaving at end of school year
    Listen Jasper superintendent leaving at end of school year pronunciation
    Jasper School District Superintendent Jeff Cantrell submitted his letter of resignation effective June 30, 2020. He plans to take over as director at the Ozark Unlimited Resources Educationa..View article
    The Madison County Record The Madison County Record
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