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French feminine name.
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Wiki content for Jaclyn

Jaclyn - Jaclyn is a feminine given name. It is variant of Jacqueline, a French feminine form of Jacques which in turn comes from Jacob, a Hebrew name meaning "supplanter" or possibly "may God protect
Jaclyn Smith - Jacquelyn Ellen "Jaclyn" Smith (born October 26, 1945) is an American actress and businesswoman. She is best known for her role as Kelly Garrett in the television series Charlie's Angels (197
Jaclyn Jose - Mary Jane Santa Ana Guck (born March 16, 1964), better known by her stage name Jaclyn Jose, is a Filipino cinematic and television actress who has earned international critical acclaim.
Jaclyn Victor - Jaclyn Joshua Thanaraj Victor Rivera (Tamil: ஜக்லின் விக்டொர்; born 4 December 1978), better known by her stage name Jaclyn Victor, is a Malaysian singer, songwriter and actress who won the i
Jaclyn Hill - Jaclyn Roxanne Hill (née, Eilers; born July 20, 1990) is an American entrepreneur and internet personality who gained popularity via her YouTube channel .
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Examples of in a sentence

Jaclyn Smith posts touching tribute to Tanya Roberts
Listen Jaclyn Smith posts touching tribute to Tanya Roberts pronunciation
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Jaclyn Jose reacts to Philmar Alipayo's proposal to Andi ...
Listen Jaclyn Jose reacts to Philmar Alipayo's proposal to Andi ... pronunciation
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'Charlie's Angels' star Jaclyn Smith honors Tanya Roberts
Listen 'Charlie's Angels' star Jaclyn Smith honors Tanya Roberts pronunciation
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Jaclyn Smith | New York Post
Listen Jaclyn Smith | New York Post pronunciation
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Charlie's Angel Jaclyn Smith Shares Tribute To Late Co ...
Listen Charlie's Angel Jaclyn Smith Shares Tribute To Late Co ... pronunciation
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Trending news on Jaclyn

Tanya Roberts Dies: Charlie's Angels Co-Star Jaclyn Smith ...
Listen Tanya Roberts Dies: Charlie's Angels Co-Star Jaclyn Smith ... pronunciation
Now that Tanya Roberts‘ death has been confirmed, those who knew and worked with the actress are flooding social media with loving tributes — including Jaclyn Smith, who appeared opposite Ro..View article
Tanya Roberts' 'Charlie's Angels' co-star Jaclyn Smith ...
Listen Tanya Roberts' 'Charlie's Angels' co-star Jaclyn Smith ... pronunciation
Smith starred as Kelly Garrett in all five seasons of "Charlie's Angels," while Roberts joined the show in its final season as Julie Rogers.
Fox News Fox News
Silver Creek's Jaclyn Emly snatches the ball away, leading ...
Listen Silver Creek's Jaclyn Emly snatches the ball away, leading ... pronunciation
Silver Creek's Jaclyn Emly snatches the ball away, leading to a Dragons' steal and win. Louisville Courier Journal. Watch Next
Courier-Journal Courier-Journal
Jaclyn Diaz | KBIA
Listen Jaclyn Diaz | KBIA pronunciation
Microsoft President Brad Smith has called the ever-growing hacking campaign into a U.S. tech firm that was discovered this week "a moment of reckoning." "This is not 'espionage as usual,' ev..View article
Charlie's Angel Jaclyn Smith Shares Tribute To Late Co ...
Listen Charlie's Angel Jaclyn Smith Shares Tribute To Late Co ... pronunciation
After her 'Charlie's Angels' co-star Tanya Roberts passed away, Jaclyn Smith shared a tribute post on Instagram honoring her memory on set.
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