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Meanings for Itzy

A South Korean girl's group was formed by JYP Entertainment whose albums are Not Shy, IT'z ICY, It'z Me.
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Wiki content for Itzy

Examples of in a sentence

2021 Dream Concert Full Performers' List: Aespa, Astro, NCT Dream, ITZY, K-pop lineup set to rock
Listen 2021 Dream Concert Full Performers' List: Aespa, Astro, NCT Dream, ITZY, K-pop lineup set to rock pronunciation
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ITZY Lia's school violence allegations: Here's why JYP seeks reinvestigation
Listen ITZY Lia's school violence allegations: Here's why JYP seeks reinvestigation pronunciation
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JYP denies ITZY member Lia's bullying allegations
Listen JYP denies ITZY member Lia's bullying allegations pronunciation
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ITZY To Collaborate With Kim Shin Young’s Alter Ego Second Aunt Kim Da Vi
Listen ITZY To Collaborate With Kim Shin Young’s Alter Ego Second Aunt Kim Da Vi pronunciation
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ITZY’S Lia’s alleged bullying victim freed of defamation charges, her agency JYP responds
Listen ITZY’S Lia’s alleged bullying victim freed of defamation charges, her agency JYP responds pronunciation
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Trending news on Itzy

Itzy Bitzy Preschool
Listen Itzy Bitzy Preschool pronunciation
Details and information displayed here were provided by this business and may not reflect its current status. We strongly encourage you to perform your own research when selecting a care pro..View article
image-unavailable Care.com
BTS, The Boyz, Itzy, Aespa, Taemin And NCT Dream: The 10 Bestselling Songs In Korea In May
Listen BTS, The Boyz, Itzy, Aespa, Taemin And NCT Dream: The 10 Bestselling Songs In Korea In May pronunciation
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - NOVEMBER 30: The Boyz arrives at the Melon Music Awards 2019 at Gocheok Sky ... [+] Dome on November 30, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea. (Photo by The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins..View article
image-unavailable Forbes
ITZY debuts on Billboard 200 with new album 'Guess Who'
Listen ITZY debuts on Billboard 200 with new album 'Guess Who' pronunciation
K-pop girl group ITZY has landed on Billboard's main albums chart for the first time in the third year of its debut. The five-piece act's latest EP "Guess Who," reached No. 148 on the Billbo..View article
image-unavailable The Korea Herald
Maybelline New York Announces ITZY As Global Spokesmodels
Listen Maybelline New York Announces ITZY As Global Spokesmodels pronunciation
NEW YORK, March 31. /PRNewswire/. Maybelline New York, the world's leading cosmetics brand, is excited to announce K-pop band ITZY as the newest global spokesmodels to join the Maybelline fa..View article
image-unavailable TASS
The Latest in ITZY
Listen The Latest in ITZY pronunciation
The K-pop group reflects on how their sound and their bond have evolved since their 2019 debut. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy By ...
image-unavailable Entertainment Tonight
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