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    Meanings for Islamist

    It refers to a person who is a follower of the Islamic religion.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Islamist militia kills Malawian peacekeeper in east Congo - U.N
    Listen Islamist militia kills Malawian peacekeeper in east Congo - U.N pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    The Latest: Israeli police: 9 hurt after arrest of Islamist
    Listen The Latest: Israeli police: 9 hurt after arrest of Islamist pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Uganda to Share Intelligence With Congo on Islamist Rebels
    Listen Uganda to Share Intelligence With Congo on Islamist Rebels pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Suspect in attack on Maldives Speaker has Islamist group ‘links’
    Listen Suspect in attack on Maldives Speaker has Islamist group ‘links’ pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Uganda army to join Congo in offensive against Islamist rebels -Kinshasa gov't
    Listen Uganda army to join Congo in offensive against Islamist rebels -Kinshasa gov't pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on Islamist

    Islamist militia kills Malawian peacekeeper in east Congo - U.N
    Listen Islamist militia kills Malawian peacekeeper in east Congo - U.N pronunciation
    A female peacekeeper from Malawi was killed in an attack by an Islamist militia in eastern Congo's North Kivu province on Monday morning, the U.N. and the Malawian government said. A local c..View article
    YAHOO!News YAHOO!News
    Uganda army to join Congo in offensive against Islamist rebels -Kinshasa gov't
    Listen Uganda army to join Congo in offensive against Islamist rebels -Kinshasa gov't pronunciation
    The Ugandan and Congo armies are setting up an operations centre in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo for a joint offensive against Islamist rebels who have killed hundreds of people..View article
    image-unavailable Reuters
    Islamist party vows to continue fight to expel French ambassador from Pakistan
    Listen Islamist party vows to continue fight to expel French ambassador from Pakistan pronunciation
    The French president, Emmanuel Macron, had expressed support for the publication of the cartoons in the name of free speech, causing outrage among hardline Islamist groups in Pakistan who ca..View article
    image-unavailable The Guardian
    Bangladesh arrests Islamist leader after violent protests
    Listen Bangladesh arrests Islamist leader after violent protests pronunciation
    Police in Bangladesh's capital have arrested an influential leader of the Islamist group Hefazat-e-Islam DHAKA, Bangladesh -- Police in Bangladesh on Sunday arrested an influential leader of..View article
    image-unavailable ABCNews
    The Islamist parties Pakistan loves and hates
    Listen The Islamist parties Pakistan loves and hates pronunciation
    Pakistan this week decided to ban a radical Islamist party under the country’s Terrorism Act after its supporters clashed with law enforcement agencies for three days, leaving seven persons..View article
    image-unavailable Indiatimes
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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    Islamist pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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