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Pronunciation of isaias with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of isaias

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Meanings for isaias

It is a male given name. Isaias is a Spanish and Portuguese version of the biblical name Isaiah.
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Examples of in a sentence

90 percent chance Tropical Storm Isaias forms in next 48 hours in Atlantic Ocean
Listen 90 percent chance Tropical Storm Isaias forms in next 48 hours in Atlantic Ocean pronunciation
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Tropical storm warnings for Puerto Rico, Leeward Islands as Isaias may impact Florida by weekend
Listen Tropical storm warnings for Puerto Rico, Leeward Islands as Isaias may impact Florida by weekend pronunciation
4 ratings rating ratings
Tropical Storm Isaias will likely form today with most of Florida in its forecast path
Listen Tropical Storm Isaias will likely form today with most of Florida in its forecast path pronunciation
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Tropical Storm Isaias likely to form. An early track has it heading for Tampa Bay
Listen Tropical Storm Isaias likely to form. An early track has it heading for Tampa Bay pronunciation
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Isaias: How to pronounce this new storm name and how hurricanes get their names
Listen Isaias: How to pronounce this new storm name and how hurricanes get their names pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of isaias

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Trending news on isaias

PSEG-LI customer satisfaction score plummets after Isaias
Listen PSEG-LI customer satisfaction score plummets after Isaias pronunciation
PSEG Long Island, which is being sued by LIPA for at least $70 million over its missteps during Isaias, could also lose the LIPA contract. The state has recommended LIPA terminate PSEG at le..View article
image-unavailable Newsday
Gov. Wolf announces low-interest loans due to Tropical Storm Isaias
Listen Gov. Wolf announces low-interest loans due to Tropical Storm Isaias pronunciation
Gov. Tom Wolf announced Saturday that the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) approved his request to declare a disaster in Berks and Philadelphia counties after Tropical Storm
Top stories of 2020: No. 9 - ENC could see the worst of Isaias
Listen Top stories of 2020: No. 9 - ENC could see the worst of Isaias pronunciation
Editor’s note: This story is No. 9 in a series looking at the top 10 stories of 2020 for The Daily News, counting down from 10 to 1 from Dec. 23 to Jan. 1. When Tropical Storm Isaias turned..View article
image-unavailable Jacksonville Daily News
Coronavirus, Isaias among top Connecticut stories in 2020
Listen Coronavirus, Isaias among top Connecticut stories in 2020 pronunciation
TROPICAL STORM ISAIAS Isaias packed more of a punch than many were expecting when it hit Connecticut on Aug. 4, knocking out power to more than 700,000 customers statewide. As outages linger..View article
image-unavailable SFGate
Tropical storm warnings issued for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands with Isaias likely to form
Listen Tropical storm warnings issued for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands with Isaias likely to form pronunciation
It’s producing winds near tropical storm force, but it isn’t well organized with a clear center of circulation. However, the National Hurricane Center anticipates this area of disturbed weat..View article
Washington Post Washington Post
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