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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈɪrəkwɔɪ(z)
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    Meanings for Iroquois

    Iroquois is the tribe people of northeast North America.
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    Wiki content for Iroquois

    Iroquois - The Iroquois ( or ) or Haudenosaunee (; "People of the Longhouse") are a historically powerful northeast Native American confederacy in North America.
    Iroquois Theatre fire - The Iroquois Theatre fire happened on December 30, 1903, in Chicago, Illinois. It was the deadliest theater fire and the deadliest single-building fire in United States history, resulting in
    Iroquois men's national lacrosse team - The Iroquois men's national lacrosse team, known as the Iroquois Nationals, represents the Iroquois Confederacy in international field lacrosse competition.
    Iroquois-class destroyer - Iroquois-class destroyers, also known as Tribal class or DDH 280 class, were a class of four helicopter-carrying, guided missile destroyers of the Royal Canadian Navy.
    Iroquois national indoor lacrosse team - The Iroquois national indoor lacrosse team, known as the Iroquois Nationals, represents the Iroquois Confederacy in international box lacrosse competitions.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Man killed in Iroquois Co. train vs. vehicle crash
    Listen Man killed in Iroquois Co. train vs. vehicle crash pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Man arrested for incest, sexual assault in Iroquois County
    Listen Man arrested for incest, sexual assault in Iroquois County pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Iroquois Park bringing back Winter Woods Spectacular
    Listen Iroquois Park bringing back Winter Woods Spectacular pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    The Iroquois’ quest to compete in Olympic lacrosse: ‘It’s more than a game to us.’
    Listen The Iroquois’ quest to compete in Olympic lacrosse: ‘It’s more than a game to us.’ pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    BOYS GOLF: Two seniors lead Iroquois West to its first-ever regional title
    Listen BOYS GOLF: Two seniors lead Iroquois West to its first-ever regional title pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Translations of Iroquois

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    Trending news on Iroquois

    Man killed in Iroquois Co. train vs. vehicle crash
    Listen Man killed in Iroquois Co. train vs. vehicle crash pronunciation
    WOODLAND, Ill. (WAND) - A man was killed in a vehicle vs. train crash in Iroquois County. Iroquois County officials said they were called out at 11:30 p.m. Tuesday to the 1200 North Road CSX..View article
    image-unavailable WAND
    This group is bringing musical theatre back to Iroquois Amphitheater. Here's what to know
    Listen This group is bringing musical theatre back to Iroquois Amphitheater. Here's what to know pronunciation
    Musical theater is coming back to Iroquois Amphitheater this summer as part of a pilot program to elevate the training options and develop the talent for youth in the community. The company..View article
    image-unavailable Courier-Journal
    Eagles Up Close: Weekend event at Iroquois Wildlife Refuge
    Listen Eagles Up Close: Weekend event at Iroquois Wildlife Refuge pronunciation
    BASOM, N.Y. — Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge is a sprawling area that is partially in Orleans County and partially in Genesee County. The protected woods and wetlands are very busy in spr..View article
    image-unavailable WGRZ
    Iroquois West junior Leonard commits to Illinois football
    Listen Iroquois West junior Leonard commits to Illinois football pronunciation
    The Iroquois West junior on Sunday made his verbal pledge to Illinois football, becoming the third offensive lineman to join what's now a five-player class. "After talking with my family and..View article
    The News-Gazette The News-Gazette
    Trey Kleitz, Tyler Barry lead Iroquois football to 31-0 win at Cheektowaga
    Listen Trey Kleitz, Tyler Barry lead Iroquois football to 31-0 win at Cheektowaga pronunciation
    But while the pandemic initially appeared to displace the Iroquois football team more than a year ago, it didn’t derail much of its plans. The Chiefs installed plays through team meetings on..View article
    image-unavailable Buffalo News
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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