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    Video Pronunciation of ionosphere in English

    Phonetic spelling of ionosphere

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    Meanings for ionosphere

    It refers to an outer layer of the Earth's atmosphere.
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    Learn more about the word "ionosphere" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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    Examples of in a sentence

    Propagate westward propagating wave in the maximum electron density of the ionosphere.
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    Parker Solar Probe Detects Natural Radio Emission from Ionosphere of Venus
    Listen Parker Solar Probe Detects Natural Radio Emission from Ionosphere of Venus pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Airglow-imager based observation of possible influences of subtropical mesospheric gravity waves on F-region ionosphere over Jammu & Kashmir, India
    Listen Airglow-imager based observation of possible influences of subtropical mesospheric gravity waves on F-region ionosphere over Jammu & Kashmir, India pronunciation
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    Survey of electron density changes in the daytime ionosphere over the Arecibo observatory due to lightning and solar flares
    Listen Survey of electron density changes in the daytime ionosphere over the Arecibo observatory due to lightning and solar flares pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Starburst across galaxy impacts Earth's ionosphere
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    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on ionosphere

    The High-Latitude Ionosphere and its Effects on Radio Propagation
    Listen The High-Latitude Ionosphere and its Effects on Radio Propagation pronunciation
    Looking for an examination copy? If you are interested in the title for your course we can consider offering an examination copy. To register your interest please contact collegesales@cambri..View article
    image-unavailable Cambridge University Press
    Survey of electron density changes in the daytime ionosphere over the Arecibo observatory due to lightning and solar flares
    Listen Survey of electron density changes in the daytime ionosphere over the Arecibo observatory due to lightning and solar flares pronunciation
    Optical observations of transient luminous events and remote-sensing of the lower ionosphere with low-frequency radio waves have demonstrated that thunderstorms and lightning can have substa..View article
    image-unavailable Nature
    Airglow-imager based observation of possible influences of subtropical mesospheric gravity waves on F-region ionosphere over Jammu & Kashmir, India
    Listen Airglow-imager based observation of possible influences of subtropical mesospheric gravity waves on F-region ionosphere over Jammu & Kashmir, India pronunciation
    Medium Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs) can be induced by atmospheric gravity waves generated by wind flow over mountains, wind shears and jet streams, auroral Joule heatin..View article
    Nature Nature
    Parker Solar Probe Detects Natural Radio Emission from Ionosphere of Venus
    Listen Parker Solar Probe Detects Natural Radio Emission from Ionosphere of Venus pronunciation
    NASA’s Parker Solar Probe made its third flyby of Venus and detected low-frequency radio emission of a type naturally generated by planetary ionospheres.
    Sci-News Sci-News

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