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Phonetic spelling of installments

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Meanings for installments

It is a plural noun that can be defined as paying regularly for a product until paying the full amount.
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Examples of in a sentence

The incident stemmed from Adams loaning Foster the DVD box set, which consisted of the first two installments in the movie franchise, said Limestone County District
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EU could let UK pay £1.7bn fine in installments
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EU finance ministers are likely to let Britain pay a hefty new bill to Brussels in interest-free installments, but rule out any reduction in the surcharge, triggered by historic revisions to national income data, officials said on Wednesday (5 November)
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Britain to pay 850 million pounds of EU budget bill in two installments: Osborne
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As you learned in the first six installments of my eight-part series, "Proper Care and Maintenance of Your Singlefriend," the first eight weeks after you adopt, purchase, or find a new singlefriend can be filled with many emotions
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installments should be in sentence

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Translations of installments

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Antonyms for installments

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