Christmas Came Early
When something good happens
An excuse to indulge oneself by overeating
Decorate a Christmas tree
Describes the euphoria
Christmas Comes but Once a Year
never judge something based upon its size
to describe first-hand information
to indulge oneself by overeating and overspending
to decorate a Christmas tree
Holiday Spirit
place yourself in a precarious situation
be disrespectful or indifferent to someone.
you should never be ungrateful when you receive a gift or opportunity
the euphoria people feel when looking forward to the holiday season
On Ice
A small or inexpensive gift that is typically placed in a Christmas stocking
A last-minute reprieve
To pursue or do something that has little chance of success
To delay or stop following a particular course of action
Good Things Come in Small Packages
never judge something based upon its size
the success of something can only be judged by testing or using it
believe the truth is being embellished
promoting an idea that is likely to cause them harm
Like Turkeys Voting for Christmas
believe the truth is being embellished
to pursue or do something that has little chance of success
a polite response to a request for something
promoting an idea that is likely to cause them harm
Snowball Effect
the more enjoyable an event or situation will be
be disrespectful or indifferent to someone
the insignificant situation that rapidly gains momentum
the success of something can only be judged by testing or using it
All the trimmings
when something good happens
to talk about our Christmas dinner
to describe first-hand information
to decorate a Christmas tree
Secret Santa
a person who hates spending money.
a Christmas present that we give anonymously or secretly
to describe first-hand information
be disrespectful or indifferent to someone
To Go on a Wild Goose Chase
to pursue or do something that has little chance of success
when something good happens
to talk about our Christmas dinner
to decorate a Christmas tree