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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈɪŋkriːs
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Examples of in a sentence

Death toll from tsunami in Southeast Asia increases
Listen Death toll from tsunami in Southeast Asia increases pronunciation
43 ratings rating ratings
Aftershocks increase death toll of magnitude 6.3 earthquake in southern Philippines
Listen Aftershocks increase death toll of magnitude 6.3 earthquake in southern Philippines pronunciation
40 ratings rating ratings
Web browser Firefox increases market share in Europe
Listen Web browser Firefox increases market share in Europe pronunciation
36 ratings rating ratings
Violence in Iran increases
Listen Violence in Iran increases pronunciation
33 ratings rating ratings
North Carolina to see minimum wage increase
Listen North Carolina to see minimum wage increase pronunciation
30 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of increase

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Trending news on increase

Renaissance, other big hedge funds increase stakes in Tesla in Q3
Listen Renaissance, other big hedge funds increase stakes in Tesla in Q3 pronunciation
Renaissance Technologies, Aristides Capital and Adage Capital Partners were among large U.S. hedge funds that boosted their stake or took new positions in Tesla Inc last quarter, before a se..View article
Reuters on MSN.com Reuters on MSN.com
How Better Storytelling Will Lead To An Increase In Sales For Your Brand
Listen How Better Storytelling Will Lead To An Increase In Sales For Your Brand pronunciation
For years now, marketers (especially of the digital variety) have preached tirelessly the importance of brands telling stories. Clients and consumers alike don't forget stories; they do forg..View article
Forbes Forbes
Aplazo takes in $27M to increase adoption of BNPL in Mexico
Listen Aplazo takes in $27M to increase adoption of BNPL in Mexico pronunciation
Since its seed round, Aplazo grew its total processing volume more than eight times and in less than a year has partnered with over 1,000 merchants.
TechCrunch TechCrunch
JSU students not likely to see fees increase because of move up to C-USA
Listen JSU students not likely to see fees increase because of move up to C-USA pronunciation
Currently, the average cost to an incoming JSU freshman, including the requirement for most first-year students to live on campus, is $9,270 a semester. This includes a flat rate General Uni..View article
Yahoo! Sports Yahoo! Sports
I-Minerals Inc. Negotiates Extension of Outstanding Indebtedness and Increase in Amounts Advanceable Under Existing Loan Agreements
Listen I-Minerals Inc. Negotiates Extension of Outstanding Indebtedness and Increase in Amounts Advanceable Under Existing Loan Agreements pronunciation
I-Minerals Inc. (TSXV: IMA) (OTC Pink: IMAHF) (the "Company") announces that it has negotiated an extension to the repayment date for certain loans advanced to the Company by BV Lending LLC..View article
YAHOO!Finance YAHOO!Finance
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