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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈɪnsens
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    Video Pronunciation of incense in English

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    Meanings for incense

    It gives a sweet-smelling fragrance when ignited.
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    a substance that produces a fragrant odor when burned
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    the pleasing scent produced when incense is burned
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Alia Bhatt invests in D2C start-up Phool.co that makes natural incense and bio-leather
    Listen Alia Bhatt invests in D2C start-up Phool.co that makes natural incense and bio-leather pronunciation
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    M'sian PR told HDB flat for rent is 'Christian house', landlord disallows 'idol, statue' & incense burning
    Listen M'sian PR told HDB flat for rent is 'Christian house', landlord disallows 'idol, statue' & incense burning pronunciation
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    Easter Service With Incense Offered At St. Paul's Episcopal
    Listen Easter Service With Incense Offered At St. Paul's Episcopal pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Alia Bhatt invests in IIT Kanpur backed D2C start-up Phool.co that makes natural incense and bio-leather
    Listen Alia Bhatt invests in IIT Kanpur backed D2C start-up Phool.co that makes natural incense and bio-leather pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Burning incense, 11-minute monologue and Mt Everest: Joey Barton's remarkable press conference
    Listen Burning incense, 11-minute monologue and Mt Everest: Joey Barton's remarkable press conference pronunciation
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    Translations of incense

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    Trending news on incense

    Alia Bhatt invests in D2C start-up Phool.co that makes natural incense and bio-leather
    Listen Alia Bhatt invests in D2C start-up Phool.co that makes natural incense and bio-leather pronunciation
    Founded by engineering graduate Ankit Agarwal in July 2017, Phool.co is an innovative startup focused on the circular economy which converts floral waste into Charcoal free Luxury incense pr..View article
    image-unavailable Bollywood Hungama
    M'sian PR told HDB flat for rent is 'Christian house', landlord disallows 'idol, statue' & incense burning
    Listen M'sian PR told HDB flat for rent is 'Christian house', landlord disallows 'idol, statue' & incense burning pronunciation
    The landlord made his personal preferences and beliefs known upfront. This is a three-bedroom HDB flat for rent at Spottiswoode Park Road. Looks pretty spacious, airy, and with plenty of nat..View article
    Mothership.sg Mothership.sg
    Easter Service With Incense Offered At St. Paul's Episcopal
    Listen Easter Service With Incense Offered At St. Paul's Episcopal pronunciation
    There will also be incense at the 11:15 a.m. service. Holy Week activities include Thursday, Institution of the Holy Eucharist and Stripping of the Altar will begin at 6 p.m.. Friday, at 11..View article
    image-unavailable Chattanoogan.com
    Alia Bhatt invests in IIT Kanpur backed D2C start-up Phool.co that makes natural incense and bio-leather
    Listen Alia Bhatt invests in IIT Kanpur backed D2C start-up Phool.co that makes natural incense and bio-leather pronunciation
    Mumbai: Phool.co, an IIT Kanpur-backed D2C wellness startup, today announced that Alia Bhatt is now an investor in the company.Founded by engineering graduate Ankit Agarwal in July 2017, Pho..View article
    India Education Diary India Education Diary
    Burning incense, 11-minute monologue and Mt Everest: Joey Barton's remarkable press conference
    Listen Burning incense, 11-minute monologue and Mt Everest: Joey Barton's remarkable press conference pronunciation
    But the energetic, free-speaking Barton of his early days at Rovers was back at The Quarters this morning, preaching positivity and burning a white sage incense in hope of banishing negative..View article
    image-unavailable Bristol Post
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