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A die-cast toy truck, ikebana basket and more: What are they worth

Ikebana Zen: A Restaurant That Opened During the Pandemic, Now A New York City Wonderment

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Trending news on Ikebana
Taiko Drums, Ikebana, Origami - the Japan Day exhibition is on

Organisers predict the popular one-day event will see upwards of 35,000 visitors viewing traditional Japanese culture such as Taiko Drums, Ikebana and Origami. 'Cool Japan' will also be on d..View article

Ikebana Drawing 37k appraisal painting glass large, 1998

This work includes a certificate of authenticity. Want to sell a work by this artist? Consign with Artsy. Since the late 1960s, Dale Chihuly has been revolutionizing the art and craft of gla..View article

Camelia And Iris Ikebana Exhibit

But these are unusual times, so please check that events are still happening. Camelia And Iris Ikebana Exhibit says The Japanese Friendship Garden of Phoenix invites you to the Camelia and I..View article
Time Out

Ikebana Zen: A Restaurant That Opened During the Pandemic, Now A New York City Wonderment

Still, Chef Mou, the founder of Ikebana Zen, has an unrelenting spirit and passion for all things culinary — one that made him sedulous. "March 15th is when the 'New York on Pause' plan bega..View article
Digital Journal

A die-cast toy truck, ikebana basket and more: What are they worth

The big “find” for our collectors this month is a lovely hand-woven ikebana basket, purchased for around $4 and selling both at auction and at retail for many times that amount. Other ...



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