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Phonetic spelling of ikaria

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Meanings for ikaria

It is an island in the Aegean Sea that is a famous tourist attraction spot for its beaches.
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Quiz on ikaria


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Wiki content for ikaria

Ikariam - Ikariam is a browser-based massively multiplayer online game of the strategy genre produced and maintained by Gameforge AG.
Ikaria Study - The Ikaria Study is a small-scale survey by the University of Athens School of Medicine of the diet and lifestyle of Greek people over age 80 on the island of Ikaria.
Ikaria (regional unit) - Ikaria (Greek: Περιφερειακή ενότητα Ικαρίας) is one of the regional units of Greece. It is part of the region of North Aegean.
Ikaria Island National Airport - Ikaria Island National Airport (IATA: JIK, ICAO: LGIK) is an airport on Ikaria Island, Greece.
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Examples of in a sentence

Who was Dr Natalie Christopher? Missing Brit found dead on Greek island of Ikaria
Listen Who was Dr Natalie Christopher? Missing Brit found dead on Greek island of Ikaria pronunciation
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Search for missing astrophysicist in Ikaria focuses on tracing mobile phone (Updated)
Listen Search for missing astrophysicist in Ikaria focuses on tracing mobile phone (Updated) pronunciation
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Unraveling the Mystery of Longevity on Ikaria, Greece (video)
Listen Unraveling the Mystery of Longevity on Ikaria, Greece (video) pronunciation
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Greek police search for British woman missing on island of Ikaria
Listen Greek police search for British woman missing on island of Ikaria pronunciation
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Ikarian honey: The secret ingredient to long life?
Listen Ikarian honey: The secret ingredient to long life? pronunciation
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Translations of ikaria

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Trending news on ikaria

Who was Dr Natalie Christopher? Missing Brit found dead on Greek island of Ikaria
Listen Who was Dr Natalie Christopher? Missing Brit found dead on Greek island of Ikaria pronunciation
THE body of Dr Natalie Christopher has been discovered after she went missing on the Greek island of Ikaria. The scientist disappeared during a morning jog and was later found down a ravine...View article
The Sun The Sun
Search for missing astrophysicist in Ikaria focuses on tracing mobile phone (Updated)
Listen Search for missing astrophysicist in Ikaria focuses on tracing mobile phone (Updated) pronunciation
The search for missing British Cypriot astrophysicist Natalie Christopher continued for a third day on Wednesday in Ikaria, as Cyprus offered to dispatch a crew to assist the effort. Accordi..View article
image-unavailable Cyprus Mail
Unraveling the Mystery of Longevity on Ikaria, Greece (video)
Listen Unraveling the Mystery of Longevity on Ikaria, Greece (video) pronunciation
Ikaria, a beautiful island located in the eastern Aegean, may look similar to any number of other Greek islands, but there is one vital difference: people there live much longer than the pop..View article
image-unavailable Greek Reporter Greece
Greek police search for British woman missing on island of Ikaria
Listen Greek police search for British woman missing on island of Ikaria pronunciation
Natalie Christopher, who disappeared on the Greek island of Ikaria. Photograph: Facebook Greek authorities have broadened the search for a British scientist believed to have disappeared afte..View article
The Guardian The Guardian
Greek police find body of missing Briton on Ikaria island
Listen Greek police find body of missing Briton on Ikaria island pronunciation
ATHENS (Reuters) - Greek police have found the body of a missing 35-year-old British astrophysicist and peace activist in a ravine on the Greek island of Ikaria, they said on Wednesday. Nata..View article
Reuters Reuters
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