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Learn how to pronounce Idris elba

Idris elba

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Meanings for Idris elba

A popular English actor, who was highly recognized for his role in the series "Prometheus".
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English actor, musician, voice actor, and DJ
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Examples of in a sentence

Yes, Idris Elba: This is how you do logomania
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Is Idris Elba’s new all-electric Ford really a sheep in Mustang clothing?
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Cats Worldwide Box Office: Taylor Swift, James Corden & Idris Elba starrer set to lose almost USD 100 million
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Idris Elba conferred Sierra Leone citizenship
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Idris Elba given Sierra Leone citizenship on first visit
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Trending news on Idris elba

The Suicide Squad’s Idris Elba Is Having Way Too Much Fun Teasing His Role
As such, plenty of actors and filmmakers have appeared in multiple comic book properties. Idris Elba will soon join those ranks, as the Thor actor will be making his DC debut with James Gunn..View article
Cinema Blend Cinema Blend
Idris Elba eager to perform live with Taylor Swift
Hollywood star Idris Elba is eager to join Grammy-Award winning singer Taylor Swift onstage. Elba, who is also a DJ, has teamed up with Swift for director Tom Hooper's film adaptation of And..View article
image-unavailable timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Judi Dench Thinks Idris Elba ‘Might’ Be The Next James Bond
Idris Elba just got a big vote of confidence in his pursuit of the James Bond role. RELATED: Idris Elba Said No To A ‘Black James Bond’ Joke In ‘Hobbs & Shaw’ This week, Judi Dench appea..View article
ET Canada ET Canada
Idris Elba cuts a dash at Cats premiere in NYC as he and wife Sabrina wear matching shades of blue
On Sunday night, he sat courtside to watch the LA Lakers take on the Atlanta Hawks in Atlanta. But Monday night, it was a whole different ball game for Idris Elba. The British actor, 47, was..View article
Mail Online Mail Online
Idris Elba's Daughter Isan Announces Her College Pick Just Days Before Christmas
Idris Elba‘s daughter, Isan, is headed to college! The 17-year-old teenager revealed where she is heading to college in an Instagram post on Friday night in which she wore a gray sweatshirt..View article
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