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Hyun Bin

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    Video Pronunciation of Hyun Bin in English

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    Meanings for Hyun Bin

    He is a South Korean actor who is famous for his appearance in TV shows like Crash Landing on You, Secret Garden.
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    Wiki content for Hyun Bin

    Hyun Bin - Hyun Bin (born Kim Tae-pyung on September 25, 1982) is a South Korean actor. He is best known for his leading roles in the television dramas My Name is Kim Sam-soon (2005), Worlds Within (200
    Hyun-jin Ryu - Hyun-jin Ryu (Korean: 류현진; Hanja: 柳賢振; Korean pronunciation: [ɾju.çʌn.dʑin]; born March 25, 1987) is a South Korean professional baseball starting pitcher who is a free agent.
    Hyun Jin Moon - Hyun Jin Preston Moon (born 1969) is the founder and chairman of the Global Peace Foundation. His father, Sun Myung Moon, was the founder of the Unification movement, an international new re
    Hyun Jin-young - Heo Hyeon-seok (Hangul: 허현석; born February 3, 1971), better by his stage name Hyun Jin-young (Hangul: 현진영), is a South Korean singer, rapper, and dancer.
    Hyun Jin-geon - Hyun Jin-geon (August 9, 1900 – April 25, 1943) (Korean: 현진건) was a Korean writer
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    Translations of Hyun Bin

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