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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : hʌnt
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Meanings for hunt

chase away, with as with force
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British writer who defended the romanticism of Keats and Shelley (1784-1859)
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Englishman and Pre-Raphaelite painter (1827-1910)
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hunting reserve
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hunt in packs
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Wiki content for hunt

Examples of in a sentence

Harp seal hunt approved by Canada, activists call for boycott of Canadian seafood
Listen Harp seal hunt approved by Canada, activists call for boycott of Canadian seafood pronunciation
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U.S. House formalizes rules for Trump impeachment proceedings
Listen U.S. House formalizes rules for Trump impeachment proceedings pronunciation
49 ratings rating ratings
Alleged ghost hunt in Toronto ends in death
Listen Alleged ghost hunt in Toronto ends in death pronunciation
45 ratings rating ratings
Canada-wide manhunt for suspect in Ontario slayings
Listen Canada-wide manhunt for suspect in Ontario slayings pronunciation
42 ratings rating ratings
US Speaker Pelosi announces Trump impeachment investigation
Listen US Speaker Pelosi announces Trump impeachment investigation pronunciation
38 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Trending news on hunt

Flowers addressed to Gabby Petito continue to arrive at the Laundrie house as hunt for Brian heats up
Listen Flowers addressed to Gabby Petito continue to arrive at the Laundrie house as hunt for Brian heats up pronunciation
Laundrie home inundated with flowers for Gabby after alleged sighting of Brian on Appalachian trail Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and pa..View article
Eagle Medallion Hunt medallion found by couple that just recovered from COVID-19
Listen Eagle Medallion Hunt medallion found by couple that just recovered from COVID-19 pronunciation
Around 4:15 p.m., while scrolling through news articles, she stumbled on The Eagle Medallion Hunt, an annual Wichita tradition that coincides with Riverfest. Friday was the last day of this..View article
Wichita Eagle on MSN.com Wichita Eagle on MSN.com
Running wild: Browns' Hunt a 'devil' when he has the ball
Listen Running wild: Browns' Hunt a 'devil' when he has the ball pronunciation
Arms flailing, legs churning while kicking up grass and dirt as his dreadlocked hair flies from under his helmet, Kareem Hunt's got a running style that's
St. Louis Post-Dispatch St. Louis Post-Dispatch
1965 Ford Mustang Parked in 1985 Roars Like It Just Wants to Hunt You Down
Listen 1965 Ford Mustang Parked in 1985 Roars Like It Just Wants to Hunt You Down pronunciation
When checking out a car that’s been sitting for decades, most people look for typical things like rust and missing parts, though in the case of the Mustang that we have here, there’s somethi..View article
autoevolution.com autoevolution.com
DNR sets wolf hunt quota at 130; non-tribal hunters to be allotted 74 wolves
Listen DNR sets wolf hunt quota at 130; non-tribal hunters to be allotted 74 wolves pronunciation
The statewide quota for the fall 2021 wolf season has been set at 130 wolves, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
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