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Pronunciation of hothouse with 1 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈhɒthaʊs
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Phonetic spelling of hothouse

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Meanings for hothouse

It is a noun term that means a greenhouse maintained at a high temperature, especially for the culture of tropical plants.
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Wiki content for hothouse

Hothouse - Hothouse or Hot House or Hot house may refer to:
Hothouse Flowers - Hothouse Flowers are an Irish rock group that combines traditional Irish music with influences from soul, gospel, and rock.
Hothouse (novel) - Hothouse is a 1962 science fiction novel by British writer Brian Aldiss, composed of five novelettes that were originally serialised in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in 1961. In t
Hothouse (song) - "Hothouse" is a song by American band 78violet. It is their first single release since their renaming from Aly & AJ in 2009 and only single released under the name before they returned to Aly
Hothouse (audio drama) - Hothouse is an audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.
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Examples of in a sentence

HotHouse's Jon Halpin back in new role
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HOTHOUSE Theatre is to be congratulated on providing our community with such amazing live theatre and our local young actors the opportunity to participate in the wonderful year-long journey that is Studio Ensemble, which culminated in the opening night of Letters to The Border
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Hitchin’s musical hothouse serves up such a tasty Christmas menu
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THE latest production from HotHouse theatre is set to leap from old newsprint onto the Butter Factory Theatre stage tonight
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Donovan and Hothouse Flowers for TradFest 2015
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Translations of hothouse

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