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Pronunciation of Horvath with 2 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Horvath

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Meanings for Horvath

It is a Hungarian surname.
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Quiz on Horvath


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Wiki content for Horvath

Horváth - Horváth is a common Hungarian and Slovak surname. It comes from horvát ("Croat"), which was borrowed from a Slavic language.
Horvath's rock lizard - Horvath's rock lizard (Iberolacerta horvathi ) is a species of lizard in the family Lacertidae. The species is endemic to Europe.
Horváth & Partners - Horváth & Partners is an independent, internationally operating management consulting company with about 1000 employees worldwide and over 180 million Euro in sales.
Horvathinia - Horvathinia is a small genus in the family Belostomatidae, and the only genus in its subfamily. Though it was originally thought to contain eleven species, upon recent reexamination, the numb
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Examples of in a sentence

An historical poem of a somewhat philosophical nature was produced in 1814 by Andreas Horvath under the title of Zircz emlekezete (Reminiscence of Zircz); but his Arpdd, in 12 books, finished in 1830, and published at Pest in the following year, is a great national epic. Among other poets of this pe
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Translations of Horvath

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Antonyms for Horvath

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