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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈhɒlə
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Meanings for holler

A very loud shout or a cry
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a small valley between mountains
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Examples of in a sentence

he built himself a cabin in a hollow high up in the Appalachians
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Gotham Holler Sponsors Country Music Nights at The Way Station in Brooklyn, NY
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7 board meeting, Holler said they have revised their welcome letter to include voter registration information and will also follow up within the next 30 to 60 days if the
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Rancho Santa Fe Association Acting Manager Ivan Holler said the Rancho Santa Fe Association continues to make strides toward welcoming new residents to the Covenant and getting them registered to vote right away
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Obama urges Ferguson authorities, protesters: Don’t “simply holler at each other”
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Trending news on holler

Loretta Lynn Recalls Her Holidays in the Holler
When she was growing up in the gritty mining community of Butcher Hollow—or Butcher Holler, as locals know it—there weren’t paved roads, electricity, or cars. The nearest town, Van Lear, was..View article
Ghost of Paul Revere on Eastern 'holler folk'
When the guys couldn’t quite find the right description for them or their music, they simply made up their own. They called it “holler folk.” Think about bluesy bellyaching. Think about folk..View article
Missoulian Missoulian
What's In The Holler & Glow Collection At Superdrug?
Holler & Glow is an affordable brand that is still somewhat niche, with a growing fan base on Instagram and the like. But this is a brand that is full of fun, inclusivity, boldness, and pure..View article
Bustle Bustle
Fright Nights: Get spooked at Haunted Holler
And some have actually left. They just say that there’s too much for them.” That house is the popular Haunted Holler, where ghostly thrills shower spectators. “There’s been reports of three..View article
Bristol Herald Courier Bristol Herald Courier
Morning Bits: Without facts or law, Republicans just holler
Republicans holler at Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) because it’s all they’ve got. “Democrats, who are united behind Mr. Schiff, counter that the attacks are..View article
The Washington Post The Washington Post
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