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Pronunciation of hoard with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : hɔːd
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Meanings for hoard

Stock up money, food or any other essential items.
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Wiki content for hoard

Examples of in a sentence

Staffordshire hoard goes on display in British Museum in London, England
Listen Staffordshire hoard goes on display in British Museum in London, England pronunciation
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Roman coins hoard found in Somerset, England
Listen Roman coins hoard found in Somerset, England pronunciation
46 ratings rating ratings
Large hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold found in Staffordshire, England
Listen Large hoard of Anglo-Saxon gold found in Staffordshire, England pronunciation
42 ratings rating ratings
Blazers Recall Jaylen Hoard from G League
39 ratings rating ratings
Metal detectorists convicted of trying to sell £3m Viking treasure hoard on black market
35 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on hoard

Blazers Recall Jaylen Hoard from G League
The Trail Blazers recalled forward Jaylen Hoard from the Texas Legends on Saturday. The rookie out of Wake Forest, who is on a two-way contract, has bounced between the two clubs through the..View article
Blazersedge Blazersedge
Metal detectorists convicted of trying to sell £3m Viking treasure hoard on black market
A pair of metal detectorists have been convicted of stealing a hoard of Viking coins and jewellery potentially worth £3m – much of which is still missing. George Powell and Layton Davies cov..View article
Independent Independent
Details of Chinese Coin Hoard Published
An article posted to the Ancient Origins web site on Nov. 14 sheds some light on the details surrounding a vast hoard of coins discovered in 2011 in China. The treasure was discovered in the..View article
image-unavailable Numismatic News
Hoard of silver coins fetches £90,000 at auction
A metal detectorist has said he was “amazed” as a hoard of 99 silver Anglo-Saxon coins that he found in a farmer’s field sold at auction for £90,000. The proceeds will be split 50/50 between..View article
PA Media on MSN.com PA Media on MSN.com
The hoard of vehicles police found stashed in Spencers Wood
Three motorbikes and a quad bike have been retrieved by police in Spencers Wood. The vehicles were found by police after they searched a property in Spencers Wood using their powers under th..View article
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