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Meanings for hinders

It is a verb term that means "to make it more difficult for somebody/something to do something".
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It is a verb term that means "to make it more difficult for somebody to do something".
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Wiki content for hinders

Hintersche - Hintersche or Hindersche [ˈhɪntɐʃə], also known as 4-Strich, is an historical card game, of the trick-avoidance genre, that is still played in the Black Forest region of Germany.
Hindersön - Hindersön is an island in the northwest of the Swedish sector of the Bay of Bothnia, in the Luleå archipelago.
Hinder - Hinder is an American rock band from Oklahoma that was formed in 2001 by lead singer Austin Winkler, guitarist Joe "Blower" Garvey, and drummer Cody Hanson.
Hinder discography - The discography of Hinder, an American rock band, consists of six studio albums, one extended play, twenty singles, one promotional single and fifteen music videos.
Hindered amine light stabilizers - Hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS) are chemical compounds containing an amine functional group that are used as stabilizers in plastics and polymers.
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Examples of in a sentence

It belongs to this view to regard the imperfection of things as devoid of real being, and so incapable of being definitely thought or known; accordingly, we find that Plato has no technical term for that in the concrete sensible world which hinders it from perfectly expressing the abstract ideal wor
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Infrastructure Gap Hinders Liquid Petroleum Gas Acceptance In Africa
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