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Learn hibakusha pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of hibakusha in English

    Phonetic spelling of hibakusha

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    hee-buh-koo-shuh; Japanese hee-bah-koo-shah
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    Meanings for hibakusha

    A Japanese word who are affected by the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Last hibakusha fight to keep memories alive
    Listen Last hibakusha fight to keep memories alive pronunciation
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    Hibakusha group awarded prize for work to ban nuclear weapons
    Listen Hibakusha group awarded prize for work to ban nuclear weapons pronunciation
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    Obama in Hiroshima 5 years on (Pt.1): A hibakusha reflects on embracing president's visit
    Listen Obama in Hiroshima 5 years on (Pt.1): A hibakusha reflects on embracing president's visit pronunciation
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    The Radiation That Makes People Invisible: A Global Hibakusha Perspective
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    Out-of-print book by hibakusha doctor set to be republished
    Listen Out-of-print book by hibakusha doctor set to be republished pronunciation
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    hibakusha should be in sentence

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    Translations of hibakusha

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    Trending news on hibakusha

    Out-of-print book by hibakusha doctor set to be republished
    Listen Out-of-print book by hibakusha doctor set to be republished pronunciation
    They aim to preserve the wishes of the late physician, who devoted himself to rescue operations in the aftermath of the 1945 atomic bombing even as he too suffered as a hibakusha, or atomic..View article
    image-unavailable asahi.com
    Last hibakusha fight to keep memories alive
    Listen Last hibakusha fight to keep memories alive pronunciation
    It’s estimated there are 136,700 survivors left in Japan. Known as hibakusha, many were infants or unborn when the United States dropped the bombs in 1945. They heard stories of the time fro..View article
    image-unavailable NHK
    Hibakusha group awarded prize for work to ban nuclear weapons
    Listen Hibakusha group awarded prize for work to ban nuclear weapons pronunciation
    The Appeal of the Hibakusha (The International Signature Campaign in Support of the Appeal of the Hibakusha for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons) received the international prize on March..View article
    image-unavailable asahi.com
    Obama in Hiroshima 5 years on (Pt.1): A hibakusha reflects on embracing president's visit
    Listen Obama in Hiroshima 5 years on (Pt.1): A hibakusha reflects on embracing president's visit pronunciation
    Five years ago on May 27, 2016, then U.S. President Barack Obama visited Hiroshima; it marked the first time for a sitting president to c
    mainichi.jp mainichi.jp

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    Antonyms for hibakusha

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