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Phonetic spelling of hemp

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Meanings for hemp

Hemp is a Cannabis sativa plant in the family Cannabaceae that is largely found in India.
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Wiki content for hemp

Hemp - Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a strain of the Cannabis sativa plant species that is grown specifically for the industrial uses of its derived products.
Hempstead, New York - The Town of Hempstead is one of the three towns in Nassau County, New York, United States, occupying the southwestern part of the county, in the western half of Long Island.
Hempstead (village), New York - The Incorporated Village of Hempstead is located in the Town of Hempstead, Nassau County, New York, United States.
Hempstead, Texas - Hempstead is a city in Waller County, Texas, United States, part of the Houston–The Woodlands–Sugar Land metropolitan area.
Hemp oil - Hemp oil (hemp seed oil or hempseed oil) is oil obtained by pressing hemp seeds. Cold pressed, unrefined hemp oil is dark to clear light green in color, with a nutty flavor.
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Examples of in a sentence

World's Largest Ball of Twine Turns 50
Listen World's Largest Ball of Twine Turns 50 pronunciation
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Glasgow cannabis enthusiasts celebrate 'green' on city green
Listen Glasgow cannabis enthusiasts celebrate 'green' on city green pronunciation
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Confusion over British cannabis status
Listen Confusion over British cannabis status pronunciation
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Trending news on hemp

USDA to build nation’s first industrial hemp seed bank at Cornell
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s research agency is creating the country’s only hemp seed bank with the help of Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, N.Y. With the seed bank, researchers and plant..View article
syracuse.com syracuse.com
The NYPD boasted about seizing marijuana on Facebook. The owner says it’s legal hemp. The cops arrested him.
The CBD craze might be leaving the war on drugs a bit dazed and confused. The extract that's been showing up in everything from candy to coffee is legally derived from hemp plants, which loo..View article
Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune
Hemp crops create opportunity, challenges
MARIANNA, Fla. – Hemp may be a new and exciting agricultural market, but there are still a lot of uncertainties surrounding the crop. “I’ve been researching and trying to find as much inform..View article
Dothan Eagle Dothan Eagle
There will actually be a hemp festival in Lancaster County next year - with hemp beer, pretzels and cars (yes, cars)
Industrial hemp can be turned into many things. Car parts, for instance. Or a tiny house made of hempcrete. Or pretzels. Examples of these things will be on display May 2 at the Industrial H..View article
LancasterOnline LancasterOnline
What new federal hemp rules mean for Idaho
BOISE, Idaho — Attorneys representing a Colorado-based company suing the Idaho State Police for seizing a shipment of hemp in January are pointing to new federal rules governing hemp product..View article
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