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Phonetic spelling of Helberg

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Meanings for Helberg

An American actor is prominent for his role in the film Annette.
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Quiz on Helberg


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Wiki content for Helberg

Helberg - Helberg is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Helberg (crater) - Helberg is a lunar impact crater that is located just behind the western limb of the Moon, on the far side from the Earth.
Helzberg Diamonds - Helzberg Diamonds is a jewelry retailer founded in 1915 by Morris Helzberg that has 210 stores in 36 states.
Halberg Awards - The Halberg Awards are a set of awards given annually recognising New Zealand's top sporting achievements.
Heuberg Training Area - The Truppenübungsplatz Heuberg is a training ground of the Bundeswehr in the districts of Sigmaringen and Zollernalbkreis in Baden-Württemberg.
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Examples of in a sentence

'Big Bang Theory's Simon Helberg & Kunal Nayyar Reach Rich New Deals ...
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Translations of Helberg

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