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Meanings for heft

test the weight of something by lifting it
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Wiki content for heft

Examples of in a sentence

Column: Endorsement from Hunter’s father gives Issa more establishment heft
Listen Column: Endorsement from Hunter’s father gives Issa more establishment heft pronunciation
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China's heft in stock benchmarks stirs worries of concentration risk
24 ratings rating ratings
Navy yet again signals its importance to India’s strategic heft
22 ratings rating ratings
China overtakes US in global diplomatic heft in terms of missions
19 ratings rating ratings
Bracewell Brings Back Partner Pair From Pillsbury, Boosting Texas IP Heft
17 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on heft

Bracewell Brings Back Partner Pair From Pillsbury, Boosting Texas IP Heft
He said Chibib and Civins are both skilled lawyers who will clearly add to Bracewell’s IP heft. “Bracewell is a fantastic firm,” he said. Chibib said he has nothing but nice things to say ab..View article
Law Law
China overtakes US in global diplomatic heft in terms of missions
According to the report from the Lowy Institute, China now has 276 diplomatic posts globally, three more than the US India is ranked 12th in terms of such diplomatic heft, with 123 embassies..View article
image-unavailable timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Navy yet again signals its importance to India’s strategic heft
The navy’s announcement that its warships had to chase out a Chinese vessel intruding into India’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) highlights the need for perpetual vigil and maintaining a hig..View article
image-unavailable timesofindia.indiatimes.com
China's heft in stock benchmarks stirs worries of concentration risk
SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China’s dominance in widely followed emerging market benchmarks has investors worried about concentrated risks, fuelling demand for indexes that limit their exposure to..View article
Reuters Reuters
Peter Bart: Oscars Voters Binge, And Mail Carriers Groan, As Streamers Add Heft To Awards Load
“I miss my invisibility.” That’s what a first-time Academy voter told me last week, reacting to the daily fusillades of screeners, invitations and assorted swag, plus the prodding phone call..View article
Deadline.com Deadline.com
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