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Examples of in a sentence

President Trump says he 'can' and 'may' put US into state of emergency to build border wall
Listen President Trump says he 'can' and 'may' put US into state of emergency to build border wall pronunciation
93 ratings rating ratings
U.S. did not inform Pakistan of bin Laden mission because of suspicions he was being harbored by government
87 ratings rating ratings
Chief of Fijian military claims that he is in control of Fiji
Listen Chief of Fijian military claims that he is in control of Fiji pronunciation
80 ratings rating ratings
Hunter says he caught 'Bigfoot' on camera
Listen Hunter says he caught 'Bigfoot' on camera pronunciation
73 ratings rating ratings
US scientist says he created first 'artificial life form'
Listen US scientist says he created first 'artificial life form' pronunciation
67 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on he

Recruiting: Mario Cristobal has new secret weapon in recruiting - even USC thinks he’s best man for job
Listen Recruiting: Mario Cristobal has new secret weapon in recruiting - even USC thinks he’s best man for job pronunciation
Oregon Ducks football coach Mario Cristobal doesn’t need much help when it comes to recruiting. Prior to his promotion to head coach, Oregon had never signed the top recruiting class in the..View article
Oregonian Oregonian
Markets Fell Faster Than Expected, Cramer Says - Here's When He Would Begin Buying
Listen Markets Fell Faster Than Expected, Cramer Says - Here's When He Would Begin Buying pronunciation
Jim Cramer has maintained September trading is rocky, but says he's done selling. Here's the signal he's looking for to begin buying.
TheStreet.com TheStreet.com
Tim Cook tells Apple employees he’s ‘looking forward to moving forward’ after Epic ruling
Listen Tim Cook tells Apple employees he’s ‘looking forward to moving forward’ after Epic ruling pronunciation
Apple CEO Tim Cook told employees that he was “looking forward to moving forward” after a verdict in the Epic v. Apple antitrust case. In an all-hands meeting with employees, Cook echoed the..View article
The Verge on MSN.com The Verge on MSN.com
Trump snapped that he was 'fatigued and tired too' when his pollster said voters were weary of his behavior, book says
Listen Trump snapped that he was 'fatigued and tired too' when his pollster said voters were weary of his behavior, book says pronunciation
Trump didn't take it well when his pollster gave him a tough reality check after his disastrous Tulsa rally in June 2020, a forthcoming book recounts.
Business Insider Business Insider
Chris Sale, returning from the COVID-19 list, reveals he has not been vaccinated
Listen Chris Sale, returning from the COVID-19 list, reveals he has not been vaccinated pronunciation
Red Sox ace Chris Sale, just reinstated from the COVID-19 list, disclosed Friday he is unvaccinated. “No, I am not [vaccinated],” he said. Sale pitched five innings and allowed one run in th..View article
The Boston Globe The Boston Globe
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