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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈhɑːdweə
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Phonetic spelling of hardware

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Examples of in a sentence

Quality, innovation and competitiveness centre-stage at Taipei Int'l Hardware & DIY Show
Listen Quality, innovation and competitiveness centre-stage at Taipei Int'l Hardware & DIY Show pronunciation
25 ratings rating ratings
American console sales continue to decline throughout April
Listen American console sales continue to decline throughout April pronunciation
23 ratings rating ratings
Australian Manns Mitre 10 hardware store closes after rent dispute
Listen Australian Manns Mitre 10 hardware store closes after rent dispute pronunciation
21 ratings rating ratings
GNU Hurd operating system: first user program run using L4 microkernel
Listen GNU Hurd operating system: first user program run using L4 microkernel pronunciation
20 ratings rating ratings
Californian computer company lodges antitrust suit against Microsoft
Listen Californian computer company lodges antitrust suit against Microsoft pronunciation
18 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Translations of hardware

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Trending news on hardware

Watch: This Tucson Ace Hardware won the company's national Christmas display contest
Congrats to this local Ace Hardware! The store, located at 22nd and Kolb, won the company's national contest for the coolest Christmas display — which local employees started setting up in O..View article
Arizona Daily Star Arizona Daily Star
Shuhei Yoshida: Developers Tell Us They Never Worked on Hardware as Easy to Develop on As PS5
Shuhei Yoshida added that developers can’t focus on making their games if they need to focus on overcoming the inherent difficulty of developing on complicated hardware. As such, Sony is str..View article
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Photo: Ace Hardware sign
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Billings Gazette Billings Gazette
Computer hardware vendor gets 30 more gays to respond to BB&T lawsuit
A computer hardware vendor that BB&T Corp. sued over a February 2018 software outage has been given an extra 30 days to submit its response. BB&T filed its lawsuit against Hitachi Vantara Co..View article
Winston-Salem Journal Winston-Salem Journal
Microsoft is Counting Down To 2020 With Deals Available On Games And Hardware
Christmas has come and gone, but Microsoft still has some excellent deals that gamers can take advantage of via the Microsoft Store. There are big savings on Xbox and PC digital games, movie..View article
HotHardware HotHardware
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hardware pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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