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Meanings for hard knocks

A popular English documentary TV series was aired in 2001.
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Examples of in a sentence

Chargers coach Anthony Lynn reveals he had COVID-19 on HBO's 'Hard Knocks':
Listen Chargers coach Anthony Lynn reveals he had COVID-19 on HBO's 'Hard Knocks': pronunciation
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'GMFB' reacts to the first episode of 'Hard Knocks'
Listen 'GMFB' reacts to the first episode of 'Hard Knocks' pronunciation
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7 Rams takeaways from 'Hard Knocks' Episode 1
Listen 7 Rams takeaways from 'Hard Knocks' Episode 1 pronunciation
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HBO 'Hard Knocks' 2020: Best Rams, Chargers Storylines, Reaction for Episode 1
Listen HBO 'Hard Knocks' 2020: Best Rams, Chargers Storylines, Reaction for Episode 1 pronunciation
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'Hard Knocks' Recap: Rams, Chargers Prepare for Uncharted Waters
Listen 'Hard Knocks' Recap: Rams, Chargers Prepare for Uncharted Waters pronunciation
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Translations of hard knocks

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Trending news on hard knocks

Chargers' Lynn reveals he had coronavirus on 'Hard Knocks'
Listen Chargers' Lynn reveals he had coronavirus on 'Hard Knocks' pronunciation
Los Angeles” to reveal its first major surprise of the season as Los Angeles Chargers coach Anthony Lynn said he had coronavirus during the offseason. Lynn's admission came less than five mi..View article
The Arizona Republic The Arizona Republic
'Hard Knocks' reveals Rams rookie Terrell Lewis tested positive for COVID-19
Listen 'Hard Knocks' reveals Rams rookie Terrell Lewis tested positive for COVID-19 pronunciation
Rams rookie pass rusher Terrell Lewis was placed on the reserve/COVID-19 list early on in camp, as was defensive tackle Michael Hoecht. It didn’t mean that either player tested positive for..View article
Rams Wire on MSN.com Rams Wire on MSN.com
Watch a Chargers cornerback get so nervous preparing to get a COVID-19 test on 'Hard Knocks'
Listen Watch a Chargers cornerback get so nervous preparing to get a COVID-19 test on 'Hard Knocks' pronunciation
I’m betting we’re going to see a lot of what we got to look at with a sneak peek ahead of the premiere on Tuesday night at 10 p.m. on HBO: the behind-the-scenes stuff regarding COVID-19 test..View article
USA Today on MSN.com USA Today on MSN.com
'Hard Knocks' recap: Chargers, Rams prepare for unique year in season premiere
Listen 'Hard Knocks' recap: Chargers, Rams prepare for unique year in season premiere pronunciation
NFL Network's Dan Hanzus recaps the season premiere of HBO's Hard Knocks, which takes a peek inside the unprecedented training camps of the Los Angeles Chargers and Rams ahead of the 2020 se..View article
'Hard Knocks' Returns Tonight, but Does Anyone Care? TRAINA THOUGHTS
Listen 'Hard Knocks' Returns Tonight, but Does Anyone Care? TRAINA THOUGHTS pronunciation
The newest season of the HBO show debuts Tuesday night and, for the first time ever, will feature two teams: the Chargers and Rams.  The NFL and HBO should've done everything in their power..View article
Sports Illustrated Sports Illustrated
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