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Phonetic spelling of Hanifa

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Meanings for Hanifa

It is an Arabic feminine name.
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Wiki content for Hanifa

Hanifa - Hanifa may refer to:
Hanifan Yudani Kusumah - Hanifan Yudani Kusumah (born 25 October 1997) is an Indonesian pencak silat practitioner. He won a gold medal in the 2018 Asian Games, after previously winning a bronze medal in the 2017 Sout
Hanifa Deen - Hanifa Deen is an Australian writer, of Pakistani ancestry. She has described how one of her grandfathers was a Kashmiri who jumped ship in Melbourne, while the other was a Punjabi small busi
Hanifa Yousoufi - Hanifa Yousoufi became the first Afghan woman to summit her country's highest peak Mount Noshaq, at a height of 24,580 ft (7,492 meters).
Hanifah Hajar Taib - Dato’ Hanifah Hajar Taib also known as Hanifah Hajar Taib-Alsree (born 1972) is a Malaysian politician and businesswoman.
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Translations of Hanifa

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