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Phonetic spelling of Hallel

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hah-leyl; Sephardic Hebrew hah-lel; Ashkenazic Hebrew hah-leyl
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Meanings for Hallel

(Judaism) a chant of praise (Psalms 113 through 118) used at Passover and Shabuoth and Sukkoth and Hanukkah and Rosh Hodesh
Listen (Judaism) a chant of praise (Psalms 113 through 118) used at Passover and Shabuoth and Sukkoth and Hanukkah and Rosh Hodesh pronunciation
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Examples of in a sentence

New readers: Hallel Jeffay and Inés Cardona
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What is the Hallel?
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A Chol HaMoed Pesach Bar Mitzvah Boy and Hallel
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Tefillah: A Meeting With Hashem Hallel – Goin’ Wild
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Why Is Hallel Sometimes “Whole” and Sometimes “Half”?
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Translations of Hallel

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Trending news on Hallel

What Is Hallel?
Since saying Hallel is a mitzvah, it is preceded by a blessing praising G‑d for having “sanctified us and commanded us to read the Hallel.” It is followed by a blessing that ends with the wo..View article
Chabad.org Chabad.org
A Shiva Call to Hallel Ariel’s Family
Hallel’s funeral coincided with the bat mitzvah celebration of our daughter, Hallel. We had to do something. The Talmud teaches us that "kol Yisrael areivim zeh ba’zeh" – every Jew is a guar..View article
aishcom aishcom
Hallel Ariel, ‘princess in white,’ mourned in Hebron funeral
KIRYAT ARBA — Hallel Yaffa Ariel’s funeral service began just a few feet away from where she was brutally stabbed to death. On Thursday evening, the 13-year-old’s body was covered in a shrou..View article
The Times of Israel The Times of Israel
Why Is Hallel Sometimes “Whole” and Sometimes “Half”?
Let’s begin by laying out what we say, and when we say it. The intermediate and last days of Passover (There are differences of opinion whether the recital of Hallel is a biblical1 or rabbin..View article
Chabad.org Chabad.org
Hallel: Praise and Thanksgiving
Please contact us in case of abuse. In case of abuse, Report this post. By rabbinic decree, we recite the Hallel at times of joy and on festivals. The Hallel, made up of chapters 113-118 of..View article
image-unavailable The Times of Israel
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