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Learn how to pronounce Haiku


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Pronunciation of Haiku with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈhaɪkuː
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Phonetic spelling of Haiku

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Meanings for Haiku

an epigrammatic Japanese verse form of three short lines
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Synonyms for Haiku

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Learn more about the word "Haiku" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Wiki content for Haiku

Haiku - Haiku (俳句) listen (plural haiku) is a very short form of Japanese poetry in three sentences going in the order 5 syllables 7 syllables and then 5 again typically characterized by three qual
Haiku in English - A haiku in English is a very short poem in the English language, following to a greater or lesser extent the form and style of the Japanese haiku.
Haiku (operating system) - Haiku is a free and open-source operating system compatible with the now discontinued BeOS. Its development began in 2001, and the operating system became self-hosting in 2008. The first alph
Haiku Applications - Haiku is a free and open-source operating system compatible with the now discontinued BeOS.
Haiku from Zero - Haiku from Zero is the fifth studio album by Australian electronic music band Cut Copy. It was released on 22 September 2017 by Cutters Records and Astralwerks.
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Examples of in a sentence

A field class next weekend in Joshua Tree National Park offers lessons in how to write haiku and other forms of poetry that lend themselves to translating the landscape of jumbled rocks and spiky trees
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Translations of Haiku

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