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Meanings for Hahn

German chemist who was co-discoverer with Lise Meitner of nuclear fission (1879-1968)
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Hahn Air, Düsseldorf Airport.
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Wiki content for Hahn

Examples of in a sentence

Johnson-Brock's Ty Hahn commits to walk on at Nebraska
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It's official: New FDA Commissioner Hahn wins Senate confirmation
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After a long talk with Frost, Johnson-Brock's Ty Hahn couldn't pass up opportunity to walk on at Nebraska
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Senate Confirms Stephen Hahn as FDA Commissioner
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Senate confirms Stephen Hahn as new FDA commissioner
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Trending news on Hahn

Senate confirms Stephen Hahn as new FDA commissioner
He was confirmed by a vote of 72-18. President Donald Trump nominated Hahn in November to replace former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who abruptly left the agency in March. Hahn has spen..View article
image-unavailable ABC News
It's official: New FDA Commissioner Hahn wins Senate confirmation
Stephen Hahn, formerly chief medical officer of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, secured confirmation from the Senate Thursday in a 72-18 vote, according to reports. He tak..View article
image-unavailable FiercePharma
Texas Oncologist Stephen Hahn Nabs Senate Approval For Top FDA Spot Despite Dodges On E-Cigarette Crisis
The Senate voted 72-18 to confirm Dr. Stephen Hahn as FDA commissioner. Dual public health crises -- the opioid epidemic and the vaping boom -- have thrust the agency into the spotlight in r..View article
Kaiser Health News Kaiser Health News
After a long talk with Frost, Johnson-Brock's Ty Hahn couldn't pass up opportunity to walk on at Nebraska
Less than a month ago, Ty Hahn didn’t know if this was actually going to happen. Months and months, summer camps and gameday visits and offers from FCS schools and then Mountain West stalwar..View article
Lincoln Journal Star Lincoln Journal Star
Senate Confirms Stephen Hahn as FDA Commissioner
WASHINGTON—Dr. Stephen Hahn will now be the man in charge of regulating e-cigarettes, ultra-expensive drugs, and medical cannabis products—at a time of increased political focus on all front..View article
Scientific American magazine Scientific American magazine
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